jffree1 suggested this group awhile back and it seems to be a natural fit for what we are discussing on GHS. Soon we'll be discussing Wyoming gas on here. lol.

Julie's thoughts were that, "It's not a pure shale play (interspersed Sandstone, Limestone, thin Shale) but they have made some big wells and there has been a lot of activity. Not so much right now."

Tags: Welcome, central, gas, texas, to

Views: 34

Replies to This Discussion

Some of the Central Texas players:

Gastar (Belin #1 - reported by Gastar as 41+ MMCFD IP)

Not an exhaustive list but a definite "A" list of independent gas producers.
I have land in northern Williamson County. Does this central Texas shale go that far west?
I think Samson is pretty big in Robertson Co. also.

Everytime I drive Hwy 7 to East Texas I pass tht strip mine near Kosse. Man, that dragline in a moster. Guess it's a lignite mine. I've never looked it up.
Hey, let's not be picky... it's all NatGas!
I guess I'll join this group as well. Aside from the minerals we have in Shelby County, our family also has 175+ land and mineral acres in Washington County in Greenvine, Texas just South of Lake Somerville and Burton. The land was previously leased in 2003, but never drilled and the options were not renewed on the lease.
D.G., Who knows where the next play will pop up on the radar? It's lots of fun trying to keep up with it though!

KCM, I don't know a thing about Williamson County other than what it looks like on RRC GIS map and permits... that most of the drilling there in the past appears to have been fairly shallow. I'm not a geologist. You'd need to ask someone like ShaleGeo what the rock looks like out there. And maybe someone like Les B might know something about what is being produced in the area... I'm constantly amazed by what Les B knows (and shares with us).

What I know about this four county "tight sand" area comes from reading numerous descriptions and discussions on RRC concerning requests for: new field designations, field rule changes, field consolidations, etc... plus the IPs reported on some of the more noteable wells and operator quarterly reports.
thanks for the info.
Keith, what about starting a group for Eagle Ford Shale in south Texas.
I see some pretty good wells have been found in Robertson Co.


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