"De-Risking Northern Sabine County, Texas Now
There will be a well drilled to the Haynesville by Chesapeake Energy that will de risk the Haynesville and MIddle Bossier soon. [Hejekiah #1H] This well should be a very good well in both zones mentioned. The northern part of this county will be very active from now on until fully developed."
Oilvoice.com posted by Jurassic Exploration Inc. on Thursday, May 27, 2010

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Maybe, Maybe not! I have faith in it there and on and over the lake to North Toledo State Park area.
I agree, Jay. I am happy that Chesapeake filed the permit but, at this point, it is just an indication that they want to see what is there. They still have to drill the well and until they do there is nothing to get too excited about. Range filed two permits last August and we are still waiting those wells.
Your posts are a disservice to the website cheerleader, how do you extrapolate that Sabine County is the motherload when it hasn't even been de-risked?
Thank you, Checkmateking! But you do realize that you're are attempting to extract information from a PomPom, dont you?
You can't have a Cheerleader post without "Motherload" in it. It is kind of her signature cheer so to speak. I think it is just in fun at this point and don't think that CL believes that it is the motherload....just hopes that it is. We all do.
Yeah, you're probably right, Alongview. I just think its alot more fun to actually think she BELIEVES it! All in fun...
Well, one thing for sure she gets everyone fired up!
I think cheerleader will be right in the end though. I mean we will not know for sure until they drill it sure but so far everything south is doing good as far as I know....
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