welcome-invite all to join--lets start list of known wells and penetration of shale in Nacgodoches

County---please add to list--then can get comments and questions flowing---EOG is drilling in one of the hot area of Martinsville and North Chireno with the Gammage #1H--word is but not on RRC site is IP> 10mmcfd-confirmed by John Gammage who owns all the minerals in unit--Eog has premitted 3 more well in the area- Hill, Hassell,and Pop-Pop. Cabot in JV with XOM old Trawick Field Northern Nacgodoches County has drilled several vertical wells into shale-one of wells talked about in their conference call last year that IP at 3.3mmcfd-massive for vertical shae--all of these well are shut-in presently--all leases HBP prior TP wells so no reason to drill H wells and product with these low NG prices. Fossil Resources ans Samson may have tested shale in the Martinsville TP field. OK everyone add to list and get info you know---I have lots of interest in Martinsville area

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As admin of Nacgodoches group I am closing dicussion on this topic since it is getting too large to view new post. I am starting new discussion on similar infomation inviting list of new permits and new initial production shale wells in Nacgodoches since the new year 2010. If there are those who want to keep yhis dicussion open we can do, let me hear from you


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