Hello, weather changeing winters hopefully coming. I have another question for the superior shalers. Just heard well serial number 239761 located in 34- 16N-16W is producing and gas is beening sold. Does anyone have any information on the mcf's on this well. The person has also said this well has three legs.

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Dion had it right. It basically depends on the agreement between Petrohawk and Chesapeake. Give the Chesapeake Call Center a ring at 1-877-CHK-1GAS. These are Chesapeake employees who can go into detail with you about your lease and payments.

Please let me know if you have any troubles. I'll be happy to help!
From your personal experience has Chesapeake been equally responsive and willing to work with landowners who are unleased as they are with those that are leased? Would you be willing to personally intervene with Chesapeake on behalf of those landowners who have experienced significant difficulty in getting any responses from their inquiries to Chesapeake about their status as UMI's? Aren't UMI's entitled to know the costs of the well and monthly progress toward recovering those costs which is necessary for them to then start receiving monthly revenues? They would like to be treated as members of the family just like leased owners. Can you provide me with a list of wells that have paid out their drilling costs and are now paying revenues to UMI's? If not, can you provide me with contact information at Chesapeake to obtain that information? Is their a UMI Owners Relations section and a UMI Owners Specialist available?
I would be willing to bet CHk will tell you where to go on your request. Unless you have an intertest in a well, they will probally be very tight lipped about its status as to payout.
Hi Robert -

Awesome questions. Here are a couple of places to get you started: Owner Relations site (http://www.chk.com/Owners/Pages/Default.aspx) and the Chesapeake Call Center (1-877-CHK-1GAS). I would recommend the call center, beause it might be easier to talk with a person rather than sift through a website.

If you have any other questions, just give me a shout.



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