They have completed drilling the Harvey #1, close to James community on HWY7 about half way between Center and Logansport. It is said they took core samples and did some other testing. This well took about 3 months to complete, due to the depth and taking of core samples. Shortly prior to completing this well they got permit for another 18,000 footer, the Carznava#1 about four miles west of the Harvey #1. It seems strange to me that they would go to the much greater expense of drilling another deep well unless they found something that piqued their interest.

If they found anything below the HS it would probably be in the Smackover, which has been a very prolific hydrocarbon producer, and would in all probably be very wet gas due to the temperatures and pressures involved which would probably be above the oil window. The interesting possibility would be below the Louann Salt. Conditions under the salt would be much cooler than above the salt and possibly above the oil window, this phenomenon is caused by the heat transference properties of salt which could lower the temperatures below the salt by 30C to 80C. Another question for you who are much smarter on these issues than I, How deep is the Louann in the Arklatex

Another item is XTO has permits for two 18,000 footers in southern part of the county.

Going back to 1971, no one has gone below 10,000 untill the last two years.

They are looking for something or have they already found it.

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allen...........per chance would this be part of the p. w. harvy survey, a-310 ???????????????????
No, it is in the Ashnabranner
Allen, all of these wells are horizontals with a TVD of ~ 13,500'. These could be targetting Bossier Shale, Cotton Valley (Haynesville) Lime, Bossier Sand or Smackover.
allen, do you have anymore info on xto?
Yes I said XTO has two permitted for 18,000 but the actual umber is 1, sorry for the oversight.
allen, where is the xto activity ? area or survey would be helpful.
King John, Thomas gas unit, approved 6-11-09 10.9 miles SW of Cwnter in the G.W. Hooper survey. Hope this helps. Seems to be several wells in the general vicinity.
les, 13500 is deep for that area, deeper than the shale wells i have looked at. if the smackover were productive in that area what do you think it would produce? also what do you think about the lower temp. theroy below the salt ? does that theroy hold oil? would like to know your opinon...
King John, the lower temperature theory holds water, I have read several reports by geologists that agree on this theory. Trying to locate where I read them, nonetheless go to page 8 of this posting, see Oil below the shale, go to page three and you can read a couple of these reports. Hope this sheds some light on the subject.
thanks allen, i will check it out , and i know the theory holds water, but the question is does it hold oil??? lol
King John, good reply and I agree lol but it may hold lots of wet gas even if both above and under the salt are above the oil window

I just got off the phone with the Railroad Commission and the total vertical depth on the permit does not repeat does not include any footage in the horizontal leg.
anybody want to read about the smackover and the salt? old data i know, but, i always tend to give history its proper respect...



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