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Hi Parker,

It doesn't say the well was a CHK well. It follows the sentence "many operators." Still wish we could find out who and where? Good research.

I know different companies do different IP reporting--2 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours or 30 day(PVA). However, I thought IP was supposed to be the theoretical, calculated flow-rate on open choke for 24 hours.

You get high reported IPs from HK and XCO, but they never file for an potential or allowable that matches IP, and their reported daily production for the first reporting month (whether for five days to 31 days, depending on when the well is turned to sales) never matches the "reported" IP rate. Am I wrong? It is easy to check XCO, who reports that all Desoto wells IP'd over 20 mmcfd (in fact, average 23 mmcfd), but then check first month's reported production.

They decline fast, but not that fast.
WR, the IP is an actual flow rate rather than a theoretical open flow calculation. That is the reason the full test information includes a choke size and flowing pressure.

Production rates will be lower due to:
- Initial decline in rate
- Typically 1st month flow is not a full calendar month
- Surface restrictions in production equipment & pipelines
According to the last Questar conference the end of June, they had a well that they just turned to sales that was 25 mmcfd. He didn't say which one it was but the Rex Young 6H well that they completed first of June is listed on a slide from the same presentation as being in the range of 15-20 (pg 20). I suppose the 2Q call might be a little more specific.
Parker, not to dispute the speaker but the report lacks evidence. There have been no public statements or reports by the operators to support the 32 MMcfd value. Also, there have been only 3 wells tested at a rate above 25 MMcfd which doesn't match with "many".
Les: I've not heard of a 30+MMCF well officially either. However, I did have a company man (which I confirmed with the home office) tell me that they opened a northern Red River Parish well up to a 1/2 inch choke and it was flowing over 30, but the pressure began to drop. They have experimented with several choke sizes to test pressure and flow and now have the well on a 13/64ths choke and is flowing at 10 MMCF at over 8,000 pounds of pressure. The well will do more but because of gas prices, takeaway capacity, well longevity - they are flowing it at that. I think there are several wells down there that will do that as well as in Elm Grove. But, I also hear the grand daddy of them all may be the Harris well right off of Yearwood Road.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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