Lot of leasing posted in the Sabine Index (Many, LA) listed under Clerk of Court Records - main player seems to Chesapeak - township 8 and a few in T7 and a couple in T5 - What is the take on this - good spot or just worth looking into . . .

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Skip, do you have any idea what lease amounts (range) are being paid for shallow rights.....surface to Cotton Valley ?
No, iceman. Sorry, I have no current information on CV values.
Has anyone heard of any leasing just South of Zwolle in Sec. 32-8-12 I can see the tower up the road in Nobel on Hwy. 171 it sure is pertty at night!

Thanks! :-)
david. There has been considerable leasing in the north half of 8N-12W as SWEPI and Encana have 15 HA Drilling & Production Units in Sections 1-12, 17, 18, 20. That's approximately 2 miles to your immediate north.
Thanks a million Skip Peel!! will keep my fingers crossed.

You are a great asset to this site.

Just heard 2nd hand, have not checked SONRIS yet, that a new permit has been recently issued for Section 14, T10N, R13W in extreme southerly Desoto Parish - timber clearing and other location prep work has also started. Well site is supposedly staked in the extreme NW corner of the section. No other details available. Thought this might be of some interest to the Sabine Parish members.
WALTCOP - RE: Sabine Index legals - I called the Sabine Index and was told you could view the legals by going to publicnoticeads.com then to Louisiana and then Sabine Index - have not tried this myself but hopes it works for you - Good Luck and I too have enjoyed all of the excitment and am so proud when a friend or family member gets leased - hope everyone in the parish benefits from this shale play - just think what it can do for our young people!!!


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