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It is part of the Smackover called the brown dense, the brown dense is the source rock for much of the production in Louisiana, Ark, and E. Texas. The brown dense has always had good shows of oil and gas but was thought to be non productive because of the low perm and porosity, now with horz. drilling and new fracs some people are looking at it. The question in these unconventional plays with different types of rocks is will they be comercial? Only one way to tell try it and see. Has anyone noticed anything going on on the Border/EOG well if so please post it.
thats the well we have been discussing. EOG is looking at the samples of that well to decide what to do next.
They have set pipe and are preparing to drill the horz.
Good development. A lot of members will find the completion results of interest.
Do you happen to know when they are planning on doing this?
Has the horizontal rig moved in???
I dont believe that they have moved in yet. I would have already heard that.I did hear it from a pretty reliable person that they are absolutely going do do a horizontal at this site.
They are. In fact they set stainless pipe.
Is there any significance to the stainless steel pipe or is that just the type of pipe they use?
alright, gotta know how you knew that !!! email me at
This well could be huge for us with land close to the border or ... well you know. Let's just hope it's huge:)
I am not sure where the southern limit of the brown dense is, but I believe it is in arkansas.



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