Does anyone have any idea what mineral rights are bring in Union or Columbia County?

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I would think long and hard before selling your mineral rights. Everyone has to do what's best for themselves but I think there is more potential gain if you wait. Leasing your minerals would be a much better option and many of us have been offered $300/acre bonus and 20% royalty. Have you been approached to lease recently?

I just received an offer from Cypress Land Services for $75.00 Bonus & 1/8th royalty for 3 yrs on a well located in Columbia County (NW/4 of SW/4, Sec. 3, T17N-R20E! I was going to counter offer $300/acre bonus and 20% royalty!

Any comments would be greatly appreciated!

We would just like to know what they might be worth. Got any idea of the price range for mineral rights in this area?
If you want to sell them then I don't know what the value is right now. I would strongly advise you not to sell them but, like I said, you got to do what you got to do. Leasing and selling are totally different things.

I understand that. 


I am getting try to get a handle on what mineral rights are bringing.   a range would be help

I did read that article.  Thank you for pointing it out again for me.


Did you ever find the information that you were looking for on your mineral rights? If not I would love to talk with you if you are still interested in selling them. You can message me or reply on this thread if you like.

Chris Huff
AOS, Inc.



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