Wells to date for Lake Bistineau Field:

Wells for T16N R09W:
Sec 6 Unit
240214 MADDEN 6 H 007 16N 09W
250' FNL & 1050' FEL OF SEC 7. PBHL: 250' FNL & 1140' FEL OF SEC 6.
Permitted 09/10/2009

Sec 15 Unit
239595 LOE 15 H 010 16N 09W
232' FSL & 2136' FEL OF SEC 10. PBHL: 250' FSL & 2640' FEL OF SEC 15.
Waiting on Completion 09/28/2009

Sec 24 Unit
240275 HA RA SUR; THRASH 24 H0 25 16N 09W
280' FNL & 2400' FEL OF SEC 25. PBHL: 250' FNL & 2640' FEL OF SEC 24-T16-R9W.
Permitted 10/02/2009

Sec 25 Unit
240276 HA RA SUS; HENNIGAN 25 H 036 16N 09W
250' FNL & 330' FWL OF SEC 36. PBHL: 250' FNL & 390' OF SEC 25-T16N-R09W.
Permitted 10/02/2009

Sec 16 Unit
240128 HA RA SUH;W H HOLT 16 H 016 16N 09W
392' FSL & 990' FWL OF SEC 16. PBHL: 350' FNL & 990' FWL OF SEC 16.
Waiting on Completion 10/18/2009

Sec 17 Unit
240345 HA RA SUT; A R COLLINS 17 H 017 16N 09W
50' FSL & 380' FWL OF SEC 17. PBHL: 350' FNL & 380' FWL OF SEC 17.
Permitted 10/19/2009

Wells for T16N R10W:
Sec 15 Unit
240380 HA RA SUN WEYERHSR 15-16-10 H 015 16N 10W
200' FSL & 850' FEL OF SEC 15. PBHL: 250' FNL & 972' FEL OF SEC 15.
Permitted 10/26/2009

Sec 25 Unit
239490 ELVA 25 H 025 16N 10W
205' FNL & 1710' FEL OF SEC 25. PBHL: 250' FSL & 1678' FEL OF SEC 25.
COMPLETED 6-8-09; GAS; HAYNESVILLE RA; 10,071 MCFD; 6756# CP; PERFS 11,735-16,276' MD; 11,580-11,976' TVD

Sec 34 Unit
240104 HA RA SUC;WEYERHSR 34-16-10 H 034 16N 10W
459' FSL & 280' FEL OF SEC 34. PBHL: 250' FNL & 380' FEL OF SEC 34.
Drilling @ 15,640 10/19/2009


Views: 350

Replies to This Discussion

Petrohawk, Madden 6 #H1 Well, Serial #240214, S7(6)-T16N-R9W
Is this well being drilled in Section 6?
Check out your topic: "New well almost complete"

Earlene aka Donut lovin girl
Landowner. I'm not Alton so I can not answer that question specifically. And there is insufficient details to his mineral interest to have an opinion if the offer is a good one. As to the prospects of remaining unleased unitl a well is completed and announced, I have following observation. A mineral owner can choose to lease at any time. The opportunity does not end with the completion of a well. A horizontal HA well completed and flowing to sales should make an operator more willing to negotiate but there is no guarantee. An above average well will increase the value of your minerals and quite possibly what a lessee to willing to pay for it. A below average well may have the opposite affect. There are many mineral owners in north Caddo Parish that took the risk and the result was not good. At this point there is insufficient completion data to make any assumption concerning the productivity of the wells in the Lake Bistineau Field. Everyone should do their homework and make a decision based on what they feel is best for them.
Ok, I thought maybe I was missing something. I was not aware that you could lease after the well came in and it was a good one. I have read a lot about as an unleased mineral owner you receive a lot more than a leased mineral owner. I don't think I have what it takes to be unleased until a well comes in.
Landowner. Going UMI is only for a few brave souls. The rest of us just want the best lease terms we can get and then successful wells. However, I think most members would agree that there is no real incentive for an O&G company to make you their best offer until they are ready to produce your gas. I council many of my clients to wait until a drilling unit is formed and the first well is drilling before getting serious about lease negotiations.
Thanks Skip for that information. We are looking at leasing now, but I am starting to rethink and wait. We are only a few miles from where they are receiving 6k and we are being offered 1/2 or less of that amount.
Landowner. I suggest that you do a little homework. Go to the SONRIS Help Center and download one or more copies of a township grid. Then ask me, or Les if I'm out of town as I will be starting tomorrow, to give you the unit orders for the township(s). Then following the instructions on how to search your township on SONRIS, enter the HA wells that are permitted, drilling and completed. I think you will feel much better about knowing what is happening around you and by whom when the time does come to negotiate a lease. I can assure you it will set you apart from 95% of the mineral owners landmen deal with.


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