I live off Benton Road, North of I220 and just across the tracks toward the River levy. Residents along Rebouche Road have been known to sign leases for $5,000 per acre/.25%/3yr/2yr opt. This was last week. I was offered the same and I needed to "think about it." I am aware of signings off Airline Drive north of 220 for $11,000 per acre with a well site just south of "The Reserve" across from entrance to Lakewood. Are there any other offers in this area?

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Sentell field starts just West of Palmetto Country club. Runs south of Benton High School, toward and across the river into Caddo Parish near Dixie. Five wells were just completed in the area just south of the high school. Two more in Caddo.
sorry I think it is t19 r13 s18
This drilling in the Sentell field is great for me and other North Bossier homeowners. Acording to SONRIS there is no history of a well going deeper that 10,000 feet in this area. I live 4 miles east near the lakes.
There has been some leasing in the area but mostly large tracts.
Look in today's Times, there was a permit taken out for a deep test in the Pine Island Field in North Caddo. If these tests and the one mentioned for Plain Dealing are good then the action will be moving up this way. Bring it on.
What lakes?
Cypress and Black Bayou Lakes.
Glenn...where was the one mentioned for PD located?
I think it is along the North side of Hwy 2 in near another well that was drilled in that area.
Do you know if this well is a vertical into the Haynesville? What is your source? I have been to this site and they had not fracked it yet but the pit was full of oil...mostly oil with no water!! I saw them blow the frack on the 1st well and it was awesome but there is mis-info on its production.. that well you are talking about is 3300ft. NE of the 1st well they drilled..
A pit full of oil means nothing.
t19 check out the attachements I posted today.
It would be very helpful to have a page on this site where people can post their lease amounts once they sign. The per acre amount could be posted along with the location. That way, others will know where they stand in relation to what is being paid in their area. People could provide other helpful details like the number of acres, and any special details of the lease, like percentages and options.If this is already a feature of this site, I am going to be very embarassed that I missed it. If not, perhaps it could be considered.
I live in Stonebridge (north of I-220 off of Swan Lake Road) Before I was aware that
neighborhoods would be developing community groups, I had put my property in with
a large developers properties. I have an offer on the table waiting for my signature
of $3500 for .312 acres in Stonebridge. That translates to $11,218 per acre. The
neighborhood group is meeting tonight and I have not signed yet. I'll make a decision after the meeting.


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