We have property in extreme NE Bossier Parish, TS23, that borders Lafayette county and we are getting some lease offers.  This property was continually leased for many years but the past 2 or 3 years it has went unleased. Samson Contour has made the latest offer but I don't know a lot about this company.  The land man says they want to drill for natural gas in the Cotton Valley.  I would love to get some input and some comments and advice from all the folks on here that are much more knowledgeable than I am.  The lease from Samson seems to be the best offer and sounds about right for this area which is unproven aside from some Pettit oil producers in the area.  Kieth, Skip, Aubrey, Ted, anyone else jump on in there and give me some help.  Thanks

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Good advice, Hobbs.  Such info is important to find out.

I was wondering if anyone knew Skip's day rate for those who live too far away to check the records on a prescription.  I know many, if not most of the info is online; and for a monthly fee, people can research via their computers.

Don't know what Skip charges.  Maybe he'll chirp up to at least give us a window on an average day rate for an indie landmen to do such work for a mineral owner.

Or maybe someone else will chirp up because in the past, others have done similar work/offers to members (privately).

That sounds like a very good idea, Gosh.  I never really considered contacting a landman to do the records search for an individual.  I was just assuming that they only worked for the big energy companies.  I have often wondered just how much information that the property owner would be privy to at the court house.  I know that they can get any public records that are available but are there other records that a landman can get or ask for that the private landowner would not be able to get or would not know to ask for.  A good example of what I am talking about is like the case with my wife's aunt. When the 10 year prescription has expired on the minerals that she sold, will she be able to go to the court house and find that on record?  I don't think there will be any documentation on record that will show that she now has the mineral rights back.  Would she then need to get an attorney to file some kind of paper to get a ruling on the mineral ownership and have it filed on record?  I don't know how the company that is interested in leasing the minerals or the landman that is running the records would know for sure if there was not some kind of documentation to show that the minerals had gone back to the surface owners.  I'm sure that Skip could help clear that question up.  There are also some other good legal minds on this forum that would probably know the answer.  I know for a fact that there have been 3 wells drill on our property, the most recent being in 2004, that is adjacent to the property in question.  There has been no production, and all 3 wells have been plugged and abandoned.  Did the prescription get reset on my wife's aunt's property next to ours because of the last well?  Will the prescription now expire in August, 2014 ( 10 years after the last well was plugged and abandoned) or will it expire in January, 2013 (10 years after the mineral purchase)?  Was her property part of the proposed production unit on the last well or is that something that is decided if and when there is production?  I guess you can tell by this post that I have more questions than answers.  It's sort of interesting to me because I have a chance to purchase some of this property.  I just don't know if and when the minerals will come back to the surface owner and for me that is a deal breaker.   Maybe Skip or some of the others on here will comment and give us some direction.  I enjoyed your posts and I also like Lisa's dog.  I used to have a beautiful little girl Golden Retriever and she was precious.  We now have an "old man" miniature Schnauzer (Professor Hobbs).  Since we have been "empty nesters" he has been our buddy for 14 years.

Mr. Hobbs, I'm headed out on a turkey hunt and do not have time for a lengthy reply so I'll touch briefly on the more important points.  Prescription is interrupted (and the ten year clock reset) each and every time a good faith effort is made to drill a new well or to re-complete an old well (production is not required).  To determine how that affects a mineral tract you must ascertain whether the well was a lease well, a voluntary unit or a compulsory unit.  Then a search is required to establish what development activities occurred effecting the tract.  SONRIS Lite is the first place to look.  If there has been activity as described, then the clock is reset.  If there is no activity of SONRIS Lite you must then go to the LA Office of Conservation District 6 office in Shreveport (sixth floor of the state office bldg. on Fairfield Avenue) and review the well file for any activity that would not have been reported to SONRIS, for example work over permits for the well.  A mineral owner can do the leg work and obtain the information needed to make a determination regarding the expiration of a servitude or lease but a qualified professional needs to review that information and make that determination.

Thanks Skip for your quick and informative response.  And good luck on your turkey hunt!  My biggest concern and question is how do you determine if the property that is near, and adjacent to, the tract of land that the well was drilled on, was actually part of the unit if there was no production. Did the well that was drilled on our tract (20 acres) qualify as development activity for the surrounding mineral tracts or not.  The well was a Pettit well, about 6700 feet, but I don't know if it would have reset the 10 yer prescription for the mineral tracts adjacent or near our property.  I am familiar with Sonris and Sonris Lite and I may try and do some more digging.  Thanks again! 

Lots of leasing activity in T23  and starting in T22 Plain Dealing area. Something is going on, anyone have a clue?

A couple of different leasing brokers working the area!

JB Land Services filed 71 leases April 3 thru 11 with the Bossier Clerk of Court in 23N - 12, 13 & 14W.  They are the only company mentioned in our discussions as taking leases in this area.

I received a call today from Merit Energy Services wanting to lease property in North Bossier Parish.  Anyone know anything about Merit Energy Services?

Merit Energy has to date filed no O&G leases with the Bossier Clerk of Court.

Name Type City Status
MERIT ENERGY SERVICES, L.L.C. Limited Liability Company LAFAYETTE Active

Charter Number: 36815062 K
Registration Date: 8/5/2008
Domicile Address
Mailing Address
Status: Active
Annual Report Status: In Good Standing
File Date: 8/5/2008
Last Report Filed: 8/2/2011
Type: Limited Liability Company

Registered Agent(s)
Address 1: 1018 HARDING STREET STE 205-A
City, State, Zip: LAFAYETTE, LA 70503
Appointment Date: 8/5/2008
Address 1: 1018 HARDING STREET STE 205-A
City, State, Zip: LAFAYETTE, LA 70503
Appointment Date: 8/5/2008

Officer(s) Additional Officers: No 
Title: Member
Address 1: 218 LAKESIDE DRIVE
City, State, Zip: LAFAYETTE, LA 70508
Title: Member
Address 1: 114 TACKABERRY ROAD
City, State, Zip: LAFAYETTE, LA 70503

Amendments on File (1)
Description Date
Domestic LLC Agent/Domicile Change 11/30/2011

Myself and neighbor have also been contacted in T22 this week, offer made but not accepted!   no leases filed because they just started negotiating. i also know that HEP has contacted land owners just north of Benton west of hwy. 3 recently.

Lease hounds are still prowling around T23 and T22 in North Bossier.  Need some chatter on offers!

Inthestix: My family owns mineral rights in T23, R11, Section 5, 100+ acres. We had an offer from Samson for roughly $150/acre with 1/8th royalties. Before we could respond, Samson abruptly withdrew the offer. We have since hired an attorney as the court records hadn't been updated to reflect the correct ownership (records still had my deceased mother-in-law's name as owner).


Lisa,   71 leases have been filed in the court house from T23 all the way from the Red River to the east to the Bossier-Webster line and JB landmen wouldnt reveal the company they were leasing for.  Another leasing group (Meritt from Lafayette) is trying to lease in T22 . Offers are  1/5, $300 acre with a 4yr.lease/4yr. option.  Land owners that I  know in T23 have leased for $250-$300 acre,  1/5- 1/4, 3yr. option.


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