SONRIS Lite reports that the SWN BML PROP 31-22-1H in Ora Field spudded on 2/19/2012 and as of 2/20/2012 was drilling at 2185 feet.

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Thanks for the info~~~  It is much appreciated.  I will be awaiting any futher information that you can provide.  Have a good day.

Looks like this well is a little further west than what I was thinking.

keeping a close eye on these developments.  The Ouachita RR runs through Union Parish to Lillie and watching to see the possiblilty of  future rail frac sand, pipe, and crude moves.

Have you been contacted by any oil companies to use your rail?

Nothing solid as of yet,,,,,several inquiries though and working some rail rates.


If this works out you could come out very well. Could you possibly open up the old line all the way down to Bernice or is that line lost forever?

Yes, the line could be reopened.

No, the City owns the right of way to Bernice.  With the land north of town and the warehouse complex, Bernice could be sitting in the right place with the right infrastuce for the oil industry.

9 5/8" casing was set in this well to 7921 feet on 2/28/2012:

Thanks obed !


Total vertical depth of 10783 feet was reached on 3/7/2012, according to SONRIS Lite, so I suppose they must be about ready to start the lateral.

Thanks for the info. 



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