I guess XOM


In February, we reached a tentative agreement for a joint venture in our Lower Smackover Brown Dense play in Southern Arkansas and Northern Louisiana that includes cash upfront as well as a 3-year term carry on accelerated investment activity. Our plan includes more active drilling program in the Brown Dense in 2013.

To date, in the Brown Dense, we have drilled and completed 6 wells, and each successive well has shown an increase in initial flow rate. Our latest well, the Doles well, located in Union Parish, Louisiana, had an initial flow rate of 435 barrels per day of 55- to 57-degree condensate and more than 2.5 million cubic feet per day of 1,250 Btu gas. After flowing more than 90 days, the Doles well exhibits producing behavior similar to the BML well.

We've now spudded our seventh well, the Dean horizontal well, located in Union Parish, Louisiana. We believe to -- we plan to drill and complete a 3,000-foot horizontal lateral with initial results expected from this well in the second quarter. This well will advance our further understanding of frac geometry and appropriate landing point as well as cost performance. We're learning more about the play with each successive well, and we are focused on analyzing various methods to optimize our fracture stimulation with a focus on increasing reservoir contact area.

Our results along our path to commerciality continue to progress, and we continue to believe the size of the prize is significant. We remain encouraged about this play, and I look forward to updating you on our efforts to bring this idea to commerciality in the coming months.

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Occidental.  They are a big player in the Monterrey, Bakken and Eagle Ford trends.  Through the Cities acquisition they own probably 20,000 acres in the Monroe Field on the east of the Ouachita.   They have no presence here and SWN would make a good partner.

I'm with you, North LA, as I said on another thread. XOM should certainly have the wherewithal, but if I were SWN I might be worried about being swallowed up by XOM.

Yes having worked for Mobil for a number of years, they do tend to eat the young..as for my bet.. I'm thinking Hess or cop. They both are cash rich and looking to grow prod numbers a jv would do that for them. And think about it swn got this for a song comparatively speaking..xom likes big stuff I mean really big stuff I would see them buying swn not jv with them...

XTO's motto was always "We don't play well with others". I think that is one of the reasons XOM bought them along with other strong points that XTO had in place.

XOM/XTO has already revealed that they have 250,000+ acres in the play , over a year ago.

Apache has outlined the play as a target recently on their December presentation at Capital One's conference. Thats my guess.

Mmm maybe but I don't think they are big enough

What about Devon? They have a pretty sizable block of acreage to the east, or are they to poor to play? You would think the most interested parties are those who have a dog in the hunt.

Whiting could also be a possibilty.

Cabot?  They have a BD in well in S AR very near SWN's Garrett well and have said they would wait to see what the industry does before doing anything else.  Also, I think they have acreage very near the SWN's wells that are producing.

Good guess on Cabot. I think you are probably correct because there is too much smoke. They are probably just going to share risk by splitting the cost of 5-6 wells in return for data. I kind of hope that it's a multi-billion dollar deal but I doubt that's the case and the Cabot deal is more likely. 

COP already has a 200k+ position in the play.

Yes but they could form a JV and split the cost of 7-10 of the wells until the efficiency is maximized. Just a guess.


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