Scandrill Rig Endeavor reported 8/29, Assigned w/ Projected Spud Date 9/4.  The Morris 1H is permitted to 11500' TVD with surface location approximately 3.9 miles NE of Kildare.

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Waylon, do you mean Bear Creek?  What survey?  Thanks, Joe Lovelace

joe b its in the andrew hampton sur. the south half of cass county is lesed from the lou line to morris county

Thanks Wa

Waylon  & all -

You guys ask all the right questions, and I appreciate your reports from the field, especially about the rigs that James mentions below..

Lots of rumors flying  among  my small-holder friends, and my guess is that James  is correct in his assumptions about Anadarko's lease block;

 You'll rremember that Skip gave us his usual sound advice last fall when he advised that we should take a look at how Anadarko  leased their big blocks over  in Louisiana.-- saying that Cass might be a repeat. And my guess is that their leasing laps over into neighboring counties (Marion, Gregg, Upshur).

But no completion report from Anadarko or RRC on their Morris well, which may now be shut in while waiting on a gas pipeline.

Are you still seeing the flares, Waylon?

Skip, I hope you'll keep us updated on the latest "cross-unit-lateral" happenings, which seem to be a big-time game-changer everywhere.

Thanks again,


The simple way to get an idea of what Anadarko is up to would be to review any leases or memorandums of lease filed with the Clerk of Court.  That will provide an answer to the level of leasing and the location.  Anything short of an actual record search is rumor and should be taken with a grain of salt. 

Jim, Texas does not have Cross Unit Laterals in the sense that LA does.  LA, particularly north LA, has a history of forming geographic units based on sections (640 acres).  The Texas land system is based on surveys which can be any shape and size.  In Texas, instead of CULs, there are PSAs or Production Sharing Agreements that allocated production to royalty interests when a lateral produces from two or more established units.  Many newer Texas units were originally laid out for horizontal drilling based upon the ideal lateral length at the time they were proposed.  For that reason Texas operators often don't have the lateral length limitations inherent in LA's 640 acre units.

Skip --

As a klutz on Forum protocol, I am sending my thanks here for your May 13 note, especially the rundown on the differing approaches  being taken by the states to accommodate   the Cross Unit Laterals (CUL) technology and legal and regulatory ramifications.

Because I have very small interests in AR,TX, and NM, I am having to completely revise my thinking regarding the differing  issues such as "unit allocations".

Thus,I appreciate any additional information I receive for  processes  that I an unlikely to ever understand. 

Thanks again


You're welcome, Jim.  The shift of oil and gas development to unconventional and "tight" reservoirs requires a whole new mind set in the management of minerals.


Wish you and some of the bloggers like Buddy Cotten and regulars like Clint Lile would share your views on the evoving  O&G culture ---  maybe jointly editing a real-time review via an on-line publication. Old-timers like me are having to unlearn a lot about what we  had thought we were beginning to understand.

 The Anadarko Morris well would be an excellent case study.


Jim, I do not know Mr. Cotten and Lile.  Read this and then let me know if you have any questions.



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