Anyone heard anything about Grand Cane yet?

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Hello Catwoman... thanks for all the info...

Any info on that Blunt Mill Road Well?? Is it done drilling? Are there any more rigs in the area drilling? Sorry we are an out of town land owner just monitoring the situation

Anything new going on in Grand Cane
I have property on Pinto Lane, parallel with Silver Spur. Have you asked your Papaw if he is already under lease and held by production? My lease dates back to 1976 when Maxine Hart signed before Ranchland Acres, Inc was formed.
I would bet it is El Paso paying him royalty. My property is in Section 12. I bought the property in 1981. El Paso is the 4th owner since I bought it. They have quite a few wells in that area. Most of the wells are in Cotton Valley. I would be surprised if they don't take the opportunity to capitalize on those leases and go to Haynesville. Lets hope so. If you talk to you Papaw let me know if he hears anything. I live in Blanchard and don't get down that way very often. Thanks!
As a professional, have you verified your stating Ranchland Acres is organizing and have offers of 13,500 acre which you posted on July 7th. Or has Ranchland just organized the un-leased people
I contacted El Paso and verified with the Desoto Records. Maxine Hart signed Feb 12, 1977 ( but effective 10-1-1976) with ENERCO Exploration and Management. This lease covered T-13N R-15W Section 12 W/2, less and except NE/4 of NW/4. Max Hart which I believe was her brother owned the other. In fact, the well that was drilled in the section soon after that was Max Hart #1. I wish I could be that lucky, but she signed 280 acres for $4200.00 and 1/8. Thanks for looking into it though. I should have stated Maxine Hart Prewett. Sorry. Also, I was looking on Sonris, and it appears the only sections around me with no active production is Sec 1 and 3. Sections 2,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,22,23,24,27,26,25 of T-13N R-15W have producing wells. Sec 5,6,7,8,17,18,19,20 of 14W have production also.
Thanks again.
Hey Eric. I own land just north of Grand Cane in Section 28, T-13N, and R-14 West. Do you know if I am in the clear to lease or are there any wells in active production that would interfere?
You can check on SONRIS Lite (link on main page). Go to wells by section by section, township and range. Enter info
(28 in section box, 13N, 14W) and it will display wells in your section. Looks like there have been 3 wells in the past. Also I think that is the section the Village of Grand Cane is in. There is a meeting regarding that section Tuesday night at the GC Baptist Church Family Life Center for residents in that section. (7:30).
Thanks for the info my man. Me and my better half will be attending the meeting on Tuesday.
Jody go to the SONRIS Lite web site.
Search wells section, township, range by parish. I typed the description you gave of your property and no producing wells were listed. 1972 was the last activity I saw. Assuming you own your mineral rights and have not signed a lease in the last few years, I would say you are good to go, but always do your homework and make sure. Hope this helps.
Thank you so much my good man.
Thank you so much for the information. I also own land in Ranchland - are you sure about the 3,600 ft? I would like to know who I can talk to about leasing the mineral rights - do you have any ideas? Thanks



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