How does Encana's (Shell) 'Multi Well Pad Gas Factory' affect royalties?

If your section is not in the section where the actuall vertical drilling is done, but one of the sections the other 3 horizontals is located, what are the ramifications?
Is your royalty calculated on your section of 4 or yours and 3 other sections totalling 160?
Is this good or bad?What are the pros and cons?
see page 13

Tags: desoto, drilling, encana, factory, gas, multi, pad, parish, swepi, well

Views: 272

Replies to This Discussion

Would love to hear Skip Peel/Jim Crow/Jay the Geologist/KB/Les's responses. Best
Not the surface location of a drilling pad nor the direction and distance of the well bore are of importance concerning royalty. The perforations in the wellbore determine what tract or tracts are being produced (drained) and receiving royalty payments. All mineral owners within the unit where the perforations are located will receive their proportional share of production. Landowners not included in the unit are compensated for a wellbore easment and Rights-of-way by operators who use their surface to drill into adjacent tracts. I hope I understood your question and you find this explanation to be an adequate answer.
Horizontal wells are drilled into each section as a separate unit from the mega pad leaving less enviornmental damage on the surface. Your royalty is calculated from the product produced from under your section or unit.
I f I understand correctly then, even if the pad is in another secion, if they run a lateral under your section/unit which they perforate and it produces, your share would be the production from the amounts under your section/unit. That makes sense. If it all laterals are in your 640 acre unit, you would be included for all production in the unit.

The 'pro' would be that there is less service damage.
Any cons?

Thanks much.
IS there any compensation for the surface owner who will have the off unit storage tanks located on their property?
VSC, as others have stated royalty is paid to mineral owners in the section/unit where the lateral is perforrated and producing. A lateral cannot be perforated any closer to the unit boundary than 330 ft. This generally means the maximum perforated length that a lateral can be is 4620 ft (5280 - 2 * 330).
Les wouldn't a cat-a-corner lateral be around 6,700 feet?

Are you referring to the Encana wells in Sec. 26 in 15n 14W? If so, I think that at least 2 of the 4 wells being drilled in Sec. 26 are for Secs. 24 and 35. I have been trying to keep of with those.
Two Dogs, yes in theory but that would destroy the future well spacing for a unit (section). To date most wells have been drilled in a north-south orientation with a handful drilled east-west.
Would someone tell me the size of a superpad compared to a regular pad being drilled by SWEPI/Encana for Haynesville Zone, if there is any?
I was referring to the illustration on page 13 of the Encana presentation in my initial question.
Thanks for the reference to the 2 wells though.
Anyone know about how the well in Sec19 t14r14 producing? How much? Etc??



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