Received notification from Office of Conservation today that Chesapeake has filed to form Unit HA RA SU K in Section 25, T12N, R13W. (Haynesville Zone, Reservoir A)

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Sounds great! Drll baby, drill!! BTW, Exco has been doing the same not too far from there. Forming units is the first step to production.
I read a press release from EOG about 4th quarter earnings. In it, they described production from 2 recently completed wells nearby. In sec 2, 11N, 13W, the Martin Timber #2H was metered at 17.4 MMcfd with 4,700 psi flowing tubing pressure. The Bedsole 27#1H (sec 27, 12N, 13W) was metered at 17.5 MMcfd with 7,400 psi flowing tubing pressure. Due to pipeline capacity difficulties, the two are producing at a combined restricted rate of 17 MMcfd. Eureka.

I and my family have land in section 27, 12n,13w-actually joining some of your land at the Oxford Road area. i now live in Houston.

Do you know how thick the shale is on the EOG Bedsole27 #1 well on section 27 is? The fact that it has 7,400 psi flowing tubing pressure, is very promising.

Also do you know the shale thickness on the EOG Martin Timber #2H well?
don't know the shale thickness, but I got EOG to send me all their log reports from when they started drilling the Bedsole well. i will share these with you if you contact me thru this website.
I also got a nice aerial photo of the planned well sites in 34 and 35 along with production numbers every day for the first 28 days. On the photo (map) there is the name Margaret Robertson Moody. Is that you?

Yes, Margaret Moody is my sister. My brother, Roland and I are also owners of this property.

Please send me the log reports, production figures and any oher details Please give me a call at (713) 772-2140 and I will give you my e-mail address.

Ben, did you review the info. I am interested in thickness, net and porosity. I have property in 33, 12N, 12W that EOG has applied to unitize.
Would you give me the contact person at EOG person at EOG that gave you the log reports, etc. I am in 33, 12N, 12W leased to CHK. However, EOG has applied to unitize te section.
Carl, the following well is being drilled in the section west of you:

Red River #2 Rig, Bridas, Richardson Etux 27 #1 Well, Serial #239152, S27-T13N-R14W
Are you off 3015? Does anyone know anything about Bridas wells around the Grand Cane area?

How is this well doing? Whats BUILDING CURVE @ 11,902'? Sorry for the multiple questions
2/12/09 Received notification from LA Office of Conservation regarding proposed unitization of S25-T12N-R13W. Called and talked to Sandy Pourciaux [Onebane Law Firm of Lafayette representing Chesapeake] Discussion group of Chesapeake representatives and geologists, mineral interests and landowners, landmen and other interested parties will be held at Shreveport Petroleum Club at 3:00 on Wednesday 18 February. State hearing on the proposal will be held in Baton Rouge on St. Paddy's Day.

Ms. Pourciaux also told me that a general time line is for the OOC to take 30-45 days from the hearing to final approval of the proposal; followed by well-site prep; 6-8 weeks for drilling; and then some time for finalization and laying pipe.

I guesstimate from that data that no revenue stream (other than leasing) will occur until mid-July earliest.
Glad to see unit is by tradtional section lines and not window paned like the cotton valley unit.



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