Out walking this afternoon, noticed crane and noise from S/N 240455, HA RA SUV;DONNA DUNN 19 H #1 well site. I have not seen any frac equipment or trucks, but could have missed them. 

At any rate if you're following this section, they're working!

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They have been in there for several days, moved in some tanks about a week ago. Should be ready to frac any day, hope it's a good one for you.
Bob, It's not my section. Just posting info. for sec. 19 folks.
James, I was getting a little exercise today and stopped by the DONNA DUNN 19 H #1 well site and talked with a service crew hand. This is word of mouth, nothing official. He said it was flowing13MMCFD on a 24/64 choke with 40 barrels of water per hr. and some sand. I got the impression this was kinda normal, maybe some of our GHS experts can chime in on the water and sand.
Hey THANKS again. I hope some of the experts tell us if this is good or normal.
at 14 m. with water and sand still coming. could be 30 according to sources. lets see
sorry misunderstood sources. they said hit14m of water.and gas might be$. 30 by end of year.water might be worth more than gas.
Would this be good or bad
James, all of 14/14 Desoto is a top area according to high ranking Encana people. I even got a Chesapeake person to agree today that it is one of the most productive areas because the shale is thinner in this area. Thinner shale makes it more economical for the companies to drill and still make a profit in times of cheap gas.
Kittycatmama, you can also look on Encana's newer presentation which was also posted on this site and see where they've done a wonderful job cutting costs. They can make a profit at even $3.5MMBtu if memory serves. Also, they've presold the natgas they're selling now so they're drilling and selling as fast as they can. Their usage of drilling multiple wells per pad, seismic aids, and making very sound strategic moves regarding location, pipelines, ease of access, etc. has them currently making a 26% roi in the HA. The funny thing is that other companies have to slow down bc they are not as efficient which means that while Encana is making huge profits supply drops bc of the slow down of others thus bringing back prices and they then lock them in again. They're able to survive and thrive even in the worst of times. I hope and believe they're going to put a pilot project/program on sec 4 with a possible plant/center off of Red Bluff which should benefit all in 14n 14w. I noticed Encana didn't touch sec 1, 2, 3, 10, or 16. I believe it's bc they could have the fault in them all. I know 10 does. Encana is real sharp.
Could you tell us how you determined or learned that Section 10 has a fault line? Do you have a fault line map? And do you know the exact path of the fault? The Encana 3-16-10 presentation shows the attached figure on Page 12 but I can find no geology maps of North DeSoto fault lines.


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