Trinidad Rig #124 is rigging down and on the move. Looks like both VIRGINIA PACKERT 6 H and 7 H have reached TD. 

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Hey DeeDee,

Looks like Chesapeake might be slow in getting that DO out to us, uh! Anyway, the check will come sooner or later..... LOL!

When ya coming to see me??????


I just talked with a Chesapeake rep and found out they are sending out Division Orders on Virginia Packert 6H well this week.  She told me the reason for the delay was because they were waiting on Encana (driller) to send them the production information, etc. 


Hope everybody has a wonderful Christmas!!!!!!!

Think this representative has a different story everyday. One rep told me in September that we would get DO in Oct and checks in Nov. Then talked to someone in First of Nov said we'd get DO in Nov and checks in Dec. That same rep said on Nov 29th reason no DO was because she was behind and Chesapeake had only just received second check from producer. Sooooo I'll believe it when I see it. This well went on line July 3rd. I think it a little ridiculous.

I think we might need to send them a "demand letter"...... what do you think???

Hey Gang,


I received Chesapeake's Division Order on Section 6 T14 R14 a few days ago.   The well was described as Virginia Packert 6H -1, so it looks like the driller (Encana) might be planning on multiple wells in that section. 


Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year.




The numbering process is that the first well in a unit and zone is always #1 and the wells to follow are #2 Alternate and so on. I am sure Encana has plans for alternate wells in sections 6&7, just like they are now drilling in sections 4&9. When that will happen is anybody's guess..... natural gas prices is most likely the key factor.


Good luck, and have a Happy New Year.

FXEF, have you heard of any plans for additional wells for Packert property soon? Back in Dec. an Encana rep said it would probably be March before they came back strong in the Holly field. Said Encana needed to hold leases in east Texas



I can vision sections 6 & 7 to be Encana's next gas factory in T14N-R14W, however I have not heard anything to that effect. Encana is presently developing two gas factories near by, Jackson Davis (T15N-R14W) and Long (T14N-R14W), we will just have to wait and see what happens when those are completed.

i thought sections 17,18,20,21 of 14/14 might get the next factory as the well site is almost

10 ac. in the corner of sec. 20,but haven't seen anymore info on it on DNR

Do you mean the large area cleared & traveled off Jesse Latin Road? I was told this is Sec 16 very close to Sec 21. Or is there another area cleared & gravels in Sec 20?
Eliza, there is a blacktop road going north of Highway 5 just east of Kickapoo Corner. That road goes way back into the trees to a very lg. site
Thank you for this info. I do not live in the area, but am very familiar. I have small interest in 14N-14W sec 21,22,27,and 28. Does Encana hold that section?



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