Cat equipment arrived yesterday in Pennington to start road for pad. 3.5 inches of rain last night halted this action. Hopeful for the end of the week. Still looking for drilling permit to be posted.

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Thank you Vernon and Snoopy.

Those photos are great, Vernon & thanks, Snoopy.  I live "a ways away" and have driven over 7-8 times while Revolver was drilling.  Last week, went over & heard that the well has been fracked & tested.  Instead of the rig going to the Penny Lane, I was told that it moved to NM!.  Got to see the GIANT of a rig up by Crockett, too.

Does anyone know any specifics on the Revolver? - Thanks...

2-3 weeks ago the fracking trucks for Revolver were parked on Penny Lane and they really  rutted and gutted it. Crew came in today to pour more cement, sand and re-surfaced the entire Penny Lane pad. Caterpillar still parked there. XTO lease "lady" still pursuing re-leasing most of the surrounding areas and some that were not leased before but at low prices.

Snoopy buzzed the Penny Lane pad yesterday and reported some cleanup activity.  He is thinking that it may be in preparation for moving in drilling equipment.


Scandrill reports that the Scan Patriot is rigging down from Devon's Cook 2H and will be stacked in Tyler.  I guess some other driller will be assigned to Penny Lane.

My memory is that the Scan Texas drilled both Abbey Road and Revolver.

Yes Texas drilled both wells for them and then XTO cut them loose. Scan sure is stacking a lot of rigs which doesn't look good!!

based on the number of days drilling those wells I would bet they have efficiency issues

Latest Snoopy pics of Revolver and Abbey Road.


Does anyone have any news, observations, speculation or recent rumors on the Revolver?

We received a response from XTO after submitting "our" lease back to them.  They said "at this time XTO hereby withdraws the offer to lease."  We are about 3 miles south of Revolver in Trinity Co.  Seems to me that it is either their way (1/6th) or the highway.  Ha!

Did they offer you a 1/6th royalty to extend an existing lease, or were they trying to lease your minerals for the first time? What did you offer back to them that they didn't like? I wasn't aware of anyone in this area getting better than 1/6th. 

Did they offer you a 1/6th royalty to extend an existing lease, or were they trying to lease your minerals for the first time?

Their offer was for a lease extension.  We countered that we wanted a new lease with more royalties although no figure was discussed.

I wasn't aware of anyone in this area getting better than 1/6th.

I would not think that anyone would accept that little now. 



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