Sorry I posted some questions put didn't put it in a new discussion. Contact by R.A.M. Energy to lease minerals in Walker County. Who are they fronting for? What is the going lease rate, royalty etc? Depth formation? Oil or gas? Who are the players in Walker County? Thanks.


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Yes, Sir....I reckon so.  Well, when they get set up, it should be an impressive sight to behold as it will be about a mile from the river's edge and about a mile off of FM 3478 with no trees really to speak of to block our view of the progress.  It will be exciting to watch the show!  Thanks again, Lucky!

Rode by the Josey Wales yesterday and checked it out....looks like the rig is in place and the support equipment is arriving daily.  It's very exciting to watch the progress...and I can sit on my front porch and see the lights of the rig every evening.  Best wishes Josey Wales...make a good'un and then come on across the river and punch a few more!!!  

Seen them moving in last week. Believe it's Nabors 490 who has been drilling for EOG around walker county already. Those lights sure are pretty at night!!!

Hey Lucky and Dry Hole....

Just curious as I watch the progress on the Josey Wales site....

What is the time line...mas o menos...for the well set-up and drilling to commence?   2 or 3 weeks to get started...or more?  It is very interesting and exciting watching the progress from FM3478...the site is growing larger with equipment and the lights at nite are quite a show!   

It usually depends on the drilling and formation. Should take only a few weeks to drill and depending on EOG how fast they wanna get the well online. I would say a few months for all of it to be completed .

Thanks Lucky...!

Do you what depth they are shooting for?  And will it be a horizontal effort or just straight down? 

Well.... Looking back at the railroad commision web site where EOG filled there permit it shows it being a service well. Meaning that they aren't drilling for oil or gas it will be used as a saltwater disposal. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but that what I believe it is.

I think it is probably a test hole that will make a handy monitor well later. "Service Well" draws a lot less attention than "Vertical Test".

Thanks jffree. It would seem strange to make a disposal there. There's nothing around there.

Thanks Lucky and jffree...

One more "curiosity" question....

I've heard that there is going to be some exploration going on around the Ellis/Estelle Units in the near future.  Have y'all heard any rumbles or seen any permits to this effect?   

Haven't seen or heard but hopefully it's true. Lots of activity up Fm 247 around the county line. Maybe it will move your way
EOG has changed the Josey Wales from a service well to a gas well today. Must have found something they liked.



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