Received a call this week about a lease in Sec 17 T17N. Wondering what was the average lease in this area? Offer is $500 an acre 3 yr with a 2 yr option and a 1/4 royalty.

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Thanks Skip.  I'm just hearing rumors from family who work in the oil/gas industry.  They are saying that while drilling for oil may be slowing down, drilling for gas may explode if the US government allows more export.  So, you may be correct in that this lease is likely speculation.

While generally true that gas plays are seeing more drilling it is play specific.  In other words not all gas plays are benefiting although the Haynesville Shale certainly is.  There is no Haynesville Shale in Jackson Parish as far as I can tell so I'd guess this leasing represents Cotton Valley interest especially if it is wet gas.  I'll perform a little research to see what kind of well control exists in that area when I get caught up.

Kare-Sue is leasing for a client.  The question is who.  LOUTEX Sovereign is not listed as an operator with the LA State Office of Conservation so it's difficult to tell the nature of their interest.  There is a good  bit of speculative leasing ongoing in N LA at this time.


Thanks, I appreciate any info you can research.

Thanks for sharing Mr. Watson. I googled the domicile address of Loutex and this page came up

The CEO of that company was also the CEO of the consulting firm which directed MRD (Wildhorse) on the extent of the LCV IPO presentation.

Considering this info I would guess that Loutex is leasing for Wildhorse.

Kare-Sue could be leasing/speculating for anyone. The owner has been around a long time and leases for a lot of companies.

Had a landman with Woodland Petroleum call about a lease for Sec T16N in Jackson Parish.  Anyone else?

Would you provide the section, township & range?

sec 25 t16n r4w

Lease offer made in Jackson Parish for Sec. 6 & 7, 15N-1W: $500/acre, 1/5 royalty, 3 yr term w/ 2 yr option. Curious as to any other offers in area?

Fellow  mineral LLC agent shared their offer : 120ac total in S13&21 - 17n - 2w, $2,400/ac, 1/4R, 3yr  BUT couldn't remember the landman's (or company's) name. Called a Monroe operator/landman who said he also knew of a very recent  JParish mysterious lease  offer $1,500. Still maybe i should sign in as Thomas Doubt

All these $1500/2400 offers with no follow-up makes me wonder about the validity of them. Maybe just people trying to stir the pot or gain info for themselves rather than the good for all.

That being the case, I'll just keep anything I find out to myself and just talk directly with the company and/or landman.

As you wish, C. Ramsey.  You may withhold your "help" if you like but openly questioning the sincerity of member replies isn't a good idea.



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