Devon completes third horizontal Cotton Valley well in Lincoln Parish, and other horizontals being drilled.

Devon's Cook Estate 30 H, Section 30, T19N-R2W, has been potentialed at 5.181 mmcfd, and the J. B. Jiles 30 H, Section 30, T19N-R2W, potentialed at 6.148 MMCFD and 60BOC.

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Thanks for the news. My family has interest in 2w with Wildhorse and Nadel, Gussman, and Jetta. Hope the trend will continue. Was very impressed with Devon practices of building locations on to existing ones for 3 of their wells in the area. They are a very impressive company to me. Thanks again!!!

I have an interest in wells in Sec 29 & 30, T19N-R2W (inheritance) and have a question . . . what does Exhibit "B" mean on the transfer order?  Does it pertain to the minimum depth before receiving any royalty?  I went on the Sonris site and saw beside the royalty owner where some have an "A" and some have a "B" beside them.  Wondering if this is the hold up in receiving anything since one of the wells reopened in August. 


Devon recently completed their third CV horizontal, the J. B. Jiles 30 H, Section 30, T19N-R2W.

IP is 6.148 MMCFD and 60 Barrels of condensate. So far, each horizontal they have completed has come in at a higher IP than the previous.


Also, Indigo has been drilling two or three weeks on their horizontal in Section 11, T18N-R4W.


No word yet on Wildhorse first horizontal in the Terryville field, nor on their Smackover they recently completed. Both must look pretty good because they are drilling another horizontal and have permitted another Smackover.

Thanks for your update BD-poi, for the Horizontal in SEction 30 T 19N - R 2 W. What Sections, T and R are Wildhorse's Horizontal and smackover in ???

Thanks and Happy 4th


Wildhorse, Wallace 9, vertical Smackover, well potentialed, Section 9, T19N-R4W, Terryville Field

(they have another Smackover permitted, and CV)


Wildhorse, L. D. Barnett 23 H, horizontal CV, waiting on completion (get real), Sec 23, T19N-R4W, Terryville Field


Wildhorse, Weherhauser 15 H, horizontal CV, drilling, Sec. 15, T19N-R4W, Terryville Field


Devon, Rabb 25 H, drilling, Sec. 24, T19N-R3W, Ruston Field


Indigo, Sumlin 11 H, drilling, Sec. 11, T18N-R4W, West Simsboro Field

Indigo has rigged down on the Sumlin 11 H, Sec. 11, T18N-R4W, West Simsboro Field. And they are clearing the pipeline right-of-way. Obviously they believe they will make a well. Indigo has plenty of experience in drilling and completing horizontal CV wells. By the way, they are finished drilling and have not posted on Sonris that they have began drilling. Sounds like tight hole.
Hey, BD.  Could be a tight hole but then again the lag time on most all the wells being updated to SONRIS got so bad  in late 2009, early 2010 that I gave up on the state database for tracking drilling and subscribed to RigData's Weekly Rig Report.  I have seen mucho examples of wells drilled and rigs long gone that were not shown as spud on SONRIS.  It is a very common occurrence.


With all these great CV results do you expect this play to expand.Are the horizontal CV wells only productive in this particular area or does it mean they could be successful anywhere the CV exist.

tony, where operators can drill vertical wells and get economic results, they will as the cost is so much less.  CV horizontals are likely in specific areas where the formation is "tighter" and the extra cost of drilling a lateral and completing a multi-stage frac make sense.  Keep in mind that half the cost of a horizontal well is the frac job.  The longer the lateral, the more expensive the well.  And the greater chance of a mechanical problem.  Right now the economics of CV H wells appears to be enhanced where they produce condensate along with the gas.
Indigo is also planning to drill a horzontal well in sec 12 of the west simsboro field later this year


Thanks for the info. I also hear they are planning to drill horizontals in Section 1, T18N-R4W and Section 36, T19N-R4W, and these two will be in the same (large) unit.


I know of the interest in section 1, T18N-R4W but that is the first I've heard in Section 36, T19N-R4W. Has the site in Section 36 been staked off?



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