Indigo has been having great results in their current drilling program in Lincoln Parish.Drilling as deep as 11,000 feet or a little deeper. KCS has a rig running now in Section 14, T18N-R4W. Indigo has locations presently staked in the following sections:
Section 15, T18N-R4W, 5 wells staked, 2 already drilled
Section 10, T18N-R4W, one well already drilled (Evans)
Section 22, T18N-R4W, at least two wells staked
Section 11, T18N-R4W, 2 wells staked, one already drilled (Washburn)
Section 12, T18N-R4W, 1 well staked
Section 13, T18N-R4W, 1 well already drilled (Myles)
Section 9, T18N-R4W, at least 1 well staked
Section 16, T18N-R4W, at least 1 well staked
Section 5, T18N-R3W, 1 well staked
Section 7, T18N-R3W, 1 well staked
Section 8, T18N-R3W, 1 well staked (presently drilling) (Temple)
Section 9, T18N-R3W, 2 wells staked, one just completed (Wilder)
Section 17, T18N-R3W, 1 well staked
Also, Caruthers has a rig on a location in Section 18,T18N-R3W, that was originally permitted to a shallower depth, but appears to have been ammended to be drilled deeper. They are probably about to TD on that well. Indigo has one rig running and they have been moving quickly from one location to the next. There probably have been more locations staked that I haven't seen yet. There is presently leasing activity in Sections 8, 9, 16, 17, and 21, all in T18N-R4W.
This a pretty hot area right now. Great sand play.

The first Napper Well Sec. 15, T18N-R4W, IP was around 9.1 million/day.
Looks like the Evans Well, Sec. 10, T18N-R4W, will start out around 2 million/day.
Washburn well, Sec. 11, T18N-R4W, holding steady at around 1 million/day after 4 months or so.
This area seems to have excellant potential for multiple wells per section, much like the Terryville Field. And that sure makes the landowners a lot more money.

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I will let Birddawg address most of your questions, but I am wondering if there is a reason you do not want to lease with KCS (if I interpret correctly)? Clayton Williams drilled a well in section 27, the section to the SE of 21 with good results (about 700/mcfd). Samson Contour is in section 23, again, some good production there. My point being, there are others drilling with success. I am doing some work in the fields south of Terryville, simsboro and west simsboro (18N-5W, 18N-4W). I am not too familiar with the Terryville Field. Also, I can not speculate on potential future activity, but I can provide facts on current activity. But I am assume by this point you can navigate sonris yourself, correct?
Hello Ellis,
I'm in sec 32, 18N, 4W. I was confronted by Cajun Exploration in 2/07. The landman stated that Chesapeake was planning 38 wells in and around my section. The siesmic was to start 7/07, but nothing ever came about. Do you know if there is still interest for this specific area?

First, I will answer your question; No, I do not know the level of interest in your specific area.

I did some work for a client in Simsboro and West Simsboro Fields back in June - August 2008. In Fact, I was working in the Sections East and Northeast of your property, I actually represent some interest in a couple of sections surrounding your property.

I wouldn't let the fact that the seismic wasn't completed weigh too heavily on you. Operating companies shift focus and reallocate their resources regularly. Priorities just change sometimes.

As stated above, Indigo is having success drilling the Lower Cotton Valley in the Northeastern portion of your T-R. I hope they can extend this success as they work further South.

I do know that a bunch of leases expired at the end of last year and the interest was not re-leased, I also know that some companies did not pick-up the extension option on some leases in the area. (This info. may have changed, I have been 'out-of-the-loop' for a couple of months.)

I have a client showing some interest in this area and I may be back working these fields by mid-year. If this is the case, I will provide some more information at that time.

Hopefully someone will have more information and can inform both of us.

Thanks for the reply.

Hi Ellis sorry I'm late with the reply but i have just found the Go H. S. site. As I stated in one discussion, we received a similar letter offering $25.00 for some testing equipment. The letter said that the company would receive all of the revenue to come from that one acre. It's just another Greedy Son of a Biscuit wanting to steal your Minerals. Watch out for Cobra Operations too.
"Locations" as reported in today's (12/14/08) Shreveport location in West Simsboro Field for Indigo...Section 22, Township 18N, Range 4W...11,250 feet in CV.
Looks like Indigo's Section 22, Township 18N, Range 4W well (Serial Number 239193) might be a producer. Word has it that they are filling the frac tanks. Anyone know of any unleased interests in Section 22?

By the way, KCS's well in nearby Section 14 (Serial Number 239023) is in production.
It was potentialed at 2.13 million/day and 150 barrels of condensate. Not a bad well.
Hey Drillbit,
Section 22, T18N-R4W, was held by production by the Danny Bell, et al well. So probably not much chance of unleased property in that section. I think a landowner or two stayed unleased when they drilled the Bell well. They were small owners, not much chance they would lease now with the new activity.
The KCS well in Section 14 appears to me to be a dual producer. I am no expert, but the way the piping is set up on the christmas tree, thats what it looks like.
I have had XTO lease renewed for the past few years on the Campbell well and pipelines from MidContinent & Midroc activity signed a year ago. But not much money on a monthly basis. Any body have some encouraging words?
What part of Lincoln Parish are you in?
I am not sure where the Campbell well is, but it is the original Colvin farm area



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