New members join and leave no comment? There are now 244 members in the Natchitoches group with no new comments in months. The truth is I have not left comments myself in months. Is this because there is no drilling activity? No interest being shown by "Big O/G companies?" As Sarah would say "you bet ya." Louisiana should be leading the way in the creation of demand for CNG cars and promoting the "Boon Pickens Plan." As Shalers we all need to continue to contact our elected officials and remind them that the tax revenue they can get from our minerals will help fix our roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, and other needed projects in our state. Keep the pressure on, or should I say "show them the money" /that is all politicans understand anyway. I sometimes feel we are not getting our moneys worth out of the politicans and surely not big business. At present the o/g companies want to keep playing down the interest in the Hainesville so they can come in when the time is right and get the leases cheap. I say to the land owners, "don't grow weary or fall asleep." We need to cling to our minerals like we do our guns. Who knows, Natchitoches might some day look like Houston, Texas and be the center or heart of the Hainesville. Good luck and keep promoting Louisiana.

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Unfortunately there is nothing to talk about. There is no one out there that will share any
information. Our land was tested and there is no one that can tell us if anything was "officially" found. This is all the same hype that happened thirty years ago. I have instructed my fourteen year old and my niece to keep up with it. Hopefully, the next time won't be hype and they will prosper. As for me and mine now, I do not think it will happen in my lifetime. Too politically volatile. I do not live in Louisiana but am very familiar with the political environment there. The rich get richer. Good luck to you all that still follow it.
You are right with your timing if land was leased for 3 years. I have not heard how much land was leased in Natchitoches parish or for how much the leases were per acre. I know some of the land around ajax was leased cheap before the word got out about the Hainesville. Big money would indicate big interest and the existance of big gas. It has been said there is no such thing as a dry hole in the Hainesville. It is quiet now, but if they drill it will be a storm.
The rich get richer. Seems like I heard that somewhere before. The whole idea is to squeeze the little man till he caves in and leases for chump change. small landowners need to stick together and one day it will be their turn. I don't use charmin, so they don't need to come squeezing around here.
With $2.90 gas no one is getting rich, in fact they are losing money. No one is a fat cat in this market. One thing to look at is Draculas stock, as the price of natural gas goes down, his stock is still going up. That should tell you something. Gas want be in the horse latitudes for long, something is cooking on the back burner that the average Joe doesn't know about. My opinion is that Natchitoches Parish is in the big middle of the shale play and that it will take more than Charmin toilet paper to pay for future leases in the southern part of the play.
What's up Two Dogs? long time no talk um to you. I think you are right on the money. Something is up that the average Joe is not aware of. I been laying low for months now but have had my ear to the ground the whole time. I don't think our state officials are doing enough to promote CNG or our state at all. I emailed one of our Senators but sent it directly to him from me, and didn't even get a response. Unless you go through the Boon Pickens web sight I suppose you are not important enough to get a response. That tells me something, like how to vote next time. Good to here from you. thanks lrb2--
Lrb2 Natchitoches Parish may be in the heart of the Haynesville Shale, time will tell, I would predict that parts of Winn Parish would be included also. I guess from your response that you know who Dracula is.
No I don't know but I don't follow the market closely like I did once. I took my money out of Merryl Lynch 8 months before the big crash. The handwriting was on the wall and I salvaged the 90% I would have lost had I stayed around. For the life of me I can't see how people could not see it coming. I put out the alarm but some people are just plain bone headed and called me crazy. I gave em all my charmin to cry on--that is why I am out. Which Dracula are you talking about? There are lots of um out there.
Two Dogs, I suppose ole Boon Pickens could be Dracula after all from the way he is sucking up other E/P companies and anything he can use down the road to advance his cause. He is a sure blood-sucker alright. I just hope he squirts a little in my direction before I die. It would be nice to go out and spend some $uck$ on the wife instead of paying bill all my life.
Natchitoches in the middle of the Haynesville??? Probably not. Big Money for leases in Natchitoches parish??? Probably not. It is deeper around Ajax, over pressured, temperature is extremely high which wreaks havoc on down hole tools, and not to mention that the Travis Peak is extremely hard (Cemented Quartz) and eats bits like skittles. I know. Been there, drilled that!!! Twice!!!
Well heck, this is getting interesting.
If Mud Man is correct, we might just see the first true dry hole in the Haynesville come from Natchitoches parish. As he is in most cases, Two Dogs is already correct is his quote, "Time will tell" It is not a question of if, but where and when the next well spuds in Natchitoches Parish, and the clock is ticking down.
If I am understanding u correctly then forget anything coming out of Natchitoches Parish. Is this what u r saying?



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