I don't have any credible information but I have been told to watch the Chevron well in NE Panola Co. that they just rigged down on.

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Doubt there will be any beckville billionaires LOL but a nice little oil well for a yr or two would be welcome.
Update Kathy,

As it turns out you were right in that this was good news for us, Chevron has drilled the first of three permitted Oil Wells for us with Good results. They are in Travis Peak and Horizontal wells. Needless to say I'm excited, now I've contacted the small company holding our lease across the rd and ask then to get it drilled as well. We shall see. LOL

I suspect that this is the reason why. Note the liquids being produced from this hz. Haynesville well.

Anadarko has made a couple of statements about the liquids being recovered from some of their HA wells but so far they are not including those figures on monthly production reports.


I've attached the completion report on the Shivers A 2H.  There is also a similar report for another Chevron/Shivers well.  Looks to be about a 2000' long lateral in Travis peak, with a modest (6 stage) frac, if I read the numbers right.  Some acid in the frac as well. 


dbob and jffree1 --- I quess there has been a Horz TP well drilled--- interesting

Looks like they have drilled several, all with recent reports, in areas with historic wells.  No real way to gauge production fall-off yet as production from these new completions doesn't appear to have made it to the PDQ yet.  If these things have any type of reasonable curve, they are going to be very cost efficient/high ROI


I found production (April only) for the S.E. Matthews A 2H.  It's is reported in the Cotton Valley but was permitted in Travis Peak 6400. 

W-1: http://webapps.rrc.state.tx.us/DP/drillDownQueryAction.do?fromPubli...

We should be able to find production back to Nov. unless the well was shut in after the test for some reason.  


How do I do this?


ideally, you'll need to know the name of the well (or the RRC assigned lease # or API #) the operator, and the county.  using the RRC  production data querry: http://webapps.rrc.state.tx.us/PDQ/home.do

You should be able to drill down to your well of interest, and review the production history since roughly 1993 or when the well first started producing, whichever is later.  Generally, the RRC website is updated a few months after the production occurs, so for instance, July or August is probably the most recent data available.  

Thank you so much!


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