Attention: Any landowners in Sec. 13 T11N R9W - Need available lease properties

We own 40 acres in this section. I have been in communication with Petrohawk about their interest in leasing it. I received a response that they would only be interested if they could lease a total of 240 acres in the section. They already have 100 acres. With our 40 acres they would need 100 acres more. If you own property in Section 13 that is available for lease, please let me know. We can pass the information on to Petrohawk and, hopefully, get a positive response. Thanks, Jim. (865) 363-3598

Views: 48

Replies to This Discussion

What is the offer from PetroHawk??
Petrohawk hasn't made an offer, but they are interested. I got the impression they would be in a position to do so, if a total of 240 acres was available.
A way to find the necessary acreage is this: Go to, or call, the tax assessor's office and get a map of your section. It will show all of the owners. You will need to call or visit each and every one of them to find out their leasing status. Let them know about Petrohawk's need for 140 more acres. Get your neighbors to go in with you. Once you get the necessary acreage, the tables will turn, and now you have the valuable thing. You should then be able to negotiate from a position of strength. No one on this site who got a good lease will tell you it was easy -- it required a lot of hard work - finding neighbors, searching maps, understanding the market, banding together, and a willingness to keep focused on getting a lease that is good for all. Good luck.
Thanks for your advice. I am already in the process of contacting other landowners.
Dont be suprised if the offer is much lower than offers being given as little as even two weeks ago. Also consider how many acres they have under lease. 500,000.00, 1,000,000.00??? what is their incentive to develope your acreage? where do you sit on the time table if you are the last 240 acres out of 500,000 plus they have leased. I would look closely at these factors. while bonus money is nice, it is the royalty payments that you really want.
I know some smaller operators who will take a look at your acreage and work with the other land owners in the section to put together a unit.
I would be interested in talking to the other operators you mentioned. Can you provide contact information? Thanks.
Any new information on Petrohawk?
I haven't heard from Petorhawk recently. Sometimes it takes them a few weeks to respond.
Might call Pride Oil or Encana



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