Just wondering if anyone has info on this area. Last year they were starting to clear area for well sight and we recieved letter about pipeline as well. Now nothing at all. are these sections done? Our lease runs out first part of 2011. Just wondering! ok grl!

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Thank you Mr. Les.
OK Girl, heard a "rumor" today that a pad(S1 T/R?) was marked that is next to S36 12N 9W. It was told that Petro Hawk will place the pad in S1 and drill into S36, which is good for you guys if it is true. They have been in here for a couple of days clearing land for the pipe line to S26 and maybe S25? Just trying to keep you informed of hearsay around here since you don't live here.
Thank you so much for the info BJ. That is wonderful news. I will check further into it. You can't imagine how much I appreciate the info you give me. Thank you again! OK girl
Moved in yesterday and started clearing for the pad site in 25-12n-9w. Looks Good!
OMG Really. That is awesome! So how is the clearing coming along BJ. I haven't been on here in a while. Hope they are moving along. Ready for them to drill! Been a long time waiting.. Update me on the scoop.
Still working on pad site. We have heard that they are making the pad a lot bigger than orginally planned. Don't know what that means, but it couldn't be bad news!
Well maybe they are gonna use a bigger rig and plan on drilling deeper than expected. That would be great. Anyway that is good news that they are even moving along cleaning and getting ready for a rig. Didn't think that would ever go thru. hopefully things will continue to progress. Keep me posted and thank you for all the info

Got some disturbing news yesterday, seems for some reason(I think something legal) the pad was ready to be rocked and now the plug has been pulled. The people building the site say that something happened and there won't be a well located at that site. If anyone out there has any info on the well pad in 25 12 9 at Union Hall Church Rd, please let us know. Sure makes for some bad news here at Christmas when we were ready for all the lights. They are still surveying here, all lines have been connected within the last couple of days and I can here something loud on Grand Bayou Lake.

BJ, I do not have any specific information regarding 12N - 9W but I have the following observations.  There have been some marginal wells completed in the area.  Encana allowed a permit to expire in Section 11 back in June which is not in and of itself unusual or reason for concern.  Now two additional permits have expired in December, S28 on the first and S33 on the 17th.  There are  a couple of wells in the immediate vicinity complete but not yet announced.  I think we will know more when we see those reports.  Encana may be rethinking their completion designs in the area of 12N - 9 & 8W.

Hi Skip,

So is there reason to believe, based on industry experience, that Encana will indeed ways to make wells in these townships more profitable?  That has been my hope, after seeing 3 come in at 3-4 MMCF/d, and has been based on hearsay that they indeed are thinking about it as well as the general observation that later wells in a given area seem to do better than earlier ones in general, implying incremental improvement in process.  Am I just seeing things, or would you agree with that trend?

There is insufficient data to make a prediction for the specific area.  In areas where the shale is productive and initial wells were economic, near term incremental improvements are a reasonable expectation.  In some areas the petrophysical characteristics may be such that no improvement in completion design can overcome the limitations.  North Caddo Parish comes to mind where the discovery that regardless of an impressive thickness of HS the clay content reduced porosity and rendered the shale less brittle and harder to fracture.  The wells there proved to be in the range of IP you mention.  Future improvements in natural gas prices and reduced cost of production may make those areas worth the investment.  In the current environment of over supply and depressed prices, it may not make sense to allocate limited Capex to HBP marginally productive areas of the shale.


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