Has anyone received a check or had any contact recently? Thanks.

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have neither seen or heard of any activity........i am in 14-11.......i would like the money!
We were just approached today by Veritas to do the shoot. We have land in DeSoto, but it's right next to RR Parish. It's in Red River-Bull Bayou Field. Lady said that we should have the check in about 3-4 weeks. We were offered $15 per acre for the shoot. Our property is in Secs 26 & 27 T12N R11W.
if you are leased, they probable do have to pay anything.............the $15 and acre is a nice courtesy.......
We were only partially leased. We have 78 acres, and only 38 acres in section 26 was under lease. The other 40 acres is not currently leased. I'm sure that they do have the right to do the seismic under the existing lease. At any rate, I'm glad that we were asked to give our permission and that we will be paid for the entire 78 acres.
Anyone that returned the Veritas contract for the RR shoot heard anything?
Those people was in my area Thursday and Friday tagging off whatever they are doing. Haven't received any check yet. I'm almost to Hwy. 71
We haven't heard anything yet. We were told that we would receive our payment by the first week in February. I believe that we've passed that point. Still waiting.
Still negotiating with Chesapeake over lease on 44 acres. Been dealing with the same guy since November. We feel like we're getting the run around. Would much rather be negotiating with Petrohawk, but they haven't approached us.
Ok, I called Veritas today to see when we should expect our check and was told that the payments for the Parish shoot weren't being sent out yet. Right now they are just mailing out the payments for the tri-state shoot. The man that I spoke with said that he would put our name among those payments to be mailed out first and he said that we should expect our check within the next 3 or 4 weeks. I asked him why his agent told us that we would be receiving our check by the first week in Feb at the latest and he said that she should not have told us that and that he would speak to her about it. Anyway, just wanted to share that info. =)
BS,BS, BS, BS, what did the draft say for time of paying it?
CGG Veritas HAS sent payment in Red River almost a month ago.
Was your property part of the tri-parish shoot or was it just a parish shoot? The man at Veritas told me that checks were only being sent out right now for the tri-parish shoot.
We didn't get a draft when the lady came out. She said that we were the last ones on her list to get approval from. She said that she already had the approval of the other land owners in the section and that she had a hard time finding us. Kind of hard to believe since she already had the approval of my husband's aunt who also owns land in the section. Granted, their last names are different...but I know his aunt would have mentioned us when the lady came out to sign her. Anyway, the lady from Veritas said that his aunt requested that a check be received at the time of signing. The lady said that they already had people on site to do the shoot and that they couldn't have the check ready at signing. She told us that she would request the check that same day and that we would have it no later than the first week in Feb.
Personally, I'm getting tired of all this crap and all the lies. Not really sure who to trust and not to trust anymore. We've been dealing with this same landman for Chesapeake since early November and it's just one story after another. I didn't want to deal with Chesapeake to begin with, but they are the only company who has approached us in this section. I can't get anyone from Petrohawk to return my calls. Chesapeake has applied to form a unit in 27-12-11, in which we own 44 acres. Petrohawk applied to form a unit it 26-12-11, in which we own 38 acres. We leased the 38 to Petrohawk in May. I would much rather be dealing with Petrohawk this time around as well.


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