Has anyone else recieved a letter from Ottinger and Hebert L.L.C. Attorneys at Law on behalf of Eagle Oil Co. The letter seems to state that they are trying to force pool sections in the western part of Sabine Parish. Wondering what this means to small land owners. It says there will be a meeting in Natchitoches at The Best Western on Feb. 11th at 10:30 a.m. Need help understanding this.

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Check out the conversations in this group re: unitization. I'm not sure, but think it's the same thing. If so, it might be advantageous. The way I understand it is we get royalties on any well that's in the pool, plus it means they start drilling sooner than later. If you're in any situation like us, we got in at the low end of the leasing rates years ago before anyone knew about the Haynesville Shale.

Please aatach a copy of your letter if you can. Also, does it map out sections that are being pooled?
Nudog, are you a leased or an unleased land owner? This will help people answer your question and provide guidance.
I am uleased. It does have the sections that are being pooled. It looks like it starts at sabine - desoto line and runs down the western part of sabine. I will try and scan and post. It is 4 pages with the map.
DD, most of the property is under the lake. They have to unitize these large units to get all they can with the horizontal. The western boundary of these units is the center of the Sabine River. The black line on the eastern portion of the map is the water line of Toledo Bend Lake. They can't drill in the lake only under it.
TD, maybe you can help me out. I agree most of the property is underwater. I am in HA RA SUD on the map posted above (I did receive the notice in the mail). This is the only way I see this happening along Toledo Bend. Don't like it... but I don't see any way around it. My question lies South of me. If I am reading the map right, 4 units are completely underwater (HA RA SUF, HA RA SUH, HA RA SUJ, HA RA SUL). How can they drill this? I don't have any interest involved in those units, just curious.
Jodie, they will probably drill those units from the Texas side of the lake.
Jodie, they may have to take the Caddo Pine Island approach and put a platform in the lake for drilling and producing the wells. Alternative would be to build an artificial island.
Why hasn't eveyone in these sections recieved this letter. Is Eagle trying to backdoor everyone? Someone smarter than me please shed some light.
Could they be trying to force a sale of their acreage positions to another company that holds significant positions in this same area? Just a thought, and tying into their failed attempt to sell the majority of their acreage a few months back.
There are Two threads by the same name on this subject, both started by Nudog and have good info. The other one can be found under the "Talk Shale" section.
I think that you told me before that a Landman ran your title and it was all in your name but you have not granted a lease on your property. I am not saying that the landman was wrong but he may have not run title back as far as he needed to. Your land came out of a swap with IP and a lot of IP property is HBP. I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but you may not own the minerals.


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