I was informed by a reliable source leasing would begin there shortly. This will be south of zwolle.This would include carter ferry road.

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Mark, yes - Forest is the furtherest south but EnCana/Shell, Comstock & Eagle have moved south also.

Forest, Olympia Minerals 7 #H1 Well, Serial #241002, S7-T7N-R13W
Forest, Olympia Minerals 17 #1 Well, Serial #241553, S17-T7N-R13W
Mark, I agree with your logic. Still hopeful the shale extends on.
17 leases recorded recently clerk of court (Sabine Index) in T-7, R-13W of note was sect. 4,5,16.
Does anyone have any additional information on these two wells besides what is on Sonris?
Forest's well in section 17 was a dry hole. It has already been plugged.
Are you saying they didn't go through any formations they could produce......and they drilled all the way to the Smackover? That is strange unless they ran into mechanical trouble.
I think this is eroneous information!
It looks like it didn't even spud until 7/30/2010.
They drilled to the smackover. The bossier and the haynesville did not look good enough to set pipe on the well. They plugged it and moved the rig out already. Their well in section 7 is making less than 2 million a day. It looks like the southern part of the play has been verified. They already had the pipeline is place, but they wont need it now.
How do you know this.....not saying the info is wrong but Baker Hughes reported the rig on site as of yesterday?????????

Les, in regards to the Forest, Olympia Minerals 7 #H1 Well,Serial #241002, S7-T7N-R13W, Sonris reports the DT-1 as 1615 on a size 8 choke.What would the production be on a regular choke size and is this a Bossier or Haynesville well? The true vertical depth is 12500,measured depth is 16715.Would appreciate your take on this well.Thanks in advance.

Mike, because the DT-1 report did not include the flowing pressure there is not enough information to estimate the rate on a larger choke size.  I will be on the lookout for the full test results.


Based on the very limited information available I believe this may be a Bossier (Mid-Bossier) Shale producer.  The 12500 ft TVD was the well permit but eventually Sonris will have information regarding the actual well depth drilled.


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