OK, CHK landman is calling back again. He has just given me 2 offers. first choice is 5500 for 3 years, with 7000 for 2 year option. Second choice is 7500 for 4 years, no option. He is telling me that this is higher then anything they have paid in Shelby County. This offer is good until the end of the business day tomorrow-8/22/08. I personally would like to get this settled and off my plate. I am not feeling in a position drag this on for 6 months. Can anyone verify the highest offer that they have heard FROM CHK IN Shelby county please?

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It sounds good to me but if you insist on checking it out give HK or some other producer in the area a call.
Your leverage might depend on how many acres you have and whether you can get/give a continuous development clause in your lease. If you have a significant acreage >1,000, I would advise you to get your own consultant (Landman/petr engr) Just my thoughts.
Our interest is in the Ashabranner survey A4, N. of shelbyville, E. of rt.7, right next to Campti, we last had an offer in July for $4k/25%, also interest from PHK, but no new counteroffer, have an atty. contacting CHK, supposedly they are still working on a bunch of small parcels. Is your interest near Campti, Sardis, Center,etc.,would appreciate where you are located, think we would lease if we could get what u rec'd., not bad at all, thanks!!
I have been following your progress, sounds like you are doing great! you said you were using an atty. Is the Atty, earning His/her money? Would you attemp to do this without an attorney? Do you know how much it is going to cost you in attorney fee, when all is said and done? Just wondering if I should hire one, and who.
Did you lease your property?
Where are these mineral rights located?
Where is this survey located? Community or town? Is Chp going to open an office again in Shelby? Isn't EOG working around Tenaha? I am unsure of anything taking place now as I have not been checking lately.
Hi Eat Beef...not sure who you were directing your question to. I personally will be using an attorney to look over my lease when the time comes. I don't live in the area, so I'm not sure whom I will be using yet. I have a couple different options. I have access to a real estate attorney in my area, with experience in oil leases. She has said that she would charge me $150 an hour to review lease and she expects that it would take a couple of hours. It is worth it in my book to make sure that I fully understand what I am signing, as I have already seen an existing lease doc and I don't feel comfortable finding my own way through it. These leases can affect us for many years to come...hopefully! Good luck, and keep asking questions, someone in the area should be able to recommend a good attorney.
Charmine, hope you check in here, on this past Mon. Aubrey the head man at Chesapeak gave a news release that

chk was to cut back on drilling expenditures by 17%, due to a nat. gas glut that had been apparently unforseen in the market. I picked this up on a free newsletter I get from API Smartbreef, then verified by following the link to CHK's own website. Due to my relative being sure we could do better than the 4K/25% we were offered, I agreed to hold out, and as I posted before we haven't heard anything back in 2 months. The offer you got recently looked awful good, and if it's still valid, you might want to go over the fine print, making sure you don't incur any transportation/production costs, and sign up lady, I now wish we had, good luck, Tom
Hi Tom, I'm here still! I know, I saw that article. I am going to assume that those of us still waiting, are going to continue to wait until after the first of the year. I don't really know what I'm talking about, just my guess. Just too many unknown factors with the economy and the election. I don't know if our lease offer is any good or not still. I am going to assume that IF I was to call landman at CHK, that they would still be interested...but at a lower price. No way of really knowing what they will do, unless I call. I am just waiting still. I did all this communicaticating to try and get my family and several others to stick together. We all agreed to stick together and be patient. I can't very well go getting cold feet now! When the phone hasn't rang in so long, it is a lot easier once you realise that it doesn't appear to be ringing anywhere. Thank you for watching out for me Tom!
Hi, PBOL, Have been watching the news in the papers and TV, seeing this financial crisis unfolding, and just got some quarterly reports on investments, lost lots of $$$. My relative checked w/our atty. in Athens, TX., to be told we still haven't gotten a new offer from CHK. She was contacted by a landman from a different co., I will see if that is any good. I read in GoShale that a lot of drafts are not being honored, due to O&G co's pulling back, due to the glut, will let u know any news, best of luck/Tom
That is great to hear you got a new nibble. I haven't heard anything new. Sounds like those of us who didn't sign a few months ago get to sit and just wait it out. Just because CHK can't play with us anymore, doesn't mean that others won't. I would think that some of the smaller o/g companies that couldn't afford to play with the big boys before, might get a chance now. Once the economy smooths out that is!

cpk has some more money being freed up this quarter.

Haynesville shale is their best bet right now. they'll spend it here before anywhere else. They're just into the crack feind mode. where to get the money to buy more.


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