Is there a web link out there that I can see if any of my mother's leased minerals has been drilled on, about to be drilled on, Ect........
If there is a web site to look this up, what information do I need to search it?

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Once you know where the leased minerals are you can use the Texas Railroad Commission website and search for drilling permits filed by survey. You would have to then download the applicaable permits and unit declarations which should be filed of record
I have been looking up the MANY leases my mom did and have like the Survey name and the Abstract number.
Then go to the above link and type in the company that leased the acreage and the survey..that's a start. Your mom should have been issued Division Orders from the companies too
I have looked at this web site and I have NO idea of some of the information they want. I am not a land person, I am just trying to research my deceased mother's minerals and where they all are and if any activity has taken place on them
When you look at platts, they are probably in tif format which means they cannot be searched by text.
Here is what I would do.
Use the line RBH posted below.
You MUST know where the land is located, geographically (5.2 miles south west of Center) for example. At least get close to location.
It is laborous to do because you have to look at each permit.
Go to the website, type 6 on the left side, then on the right side, type SHELBY, then go to bottom and hit SUBMIT.
That will give you a list of permits in shelby county (assuming it is in shelby county).
If you care to tell me approximately where the land is, I have followed most of the wells around center, at least WHERE they are located.
I grew up in Center, so I know most communities.
I might be able to give you some wells to look at based on location of the land.
Approximately what community is the land located?
If not, probably go to the last page in the list (bottom of the page) I think it is up to 92 pages in Shelby co.,then work backward. I think the last one is in Sardis community.
I grew up in Shelby county and have lived here all my life to
How can I find out if i own any of the minerals on land that i own?
I think i own 1/2 the minerals, but i am not to sure now.
My mother has about 17 leases out there now and i dont know where to start to find out where the land is???/
would it be on the leases?
My mother passed away in November 09 and my sister and I are trying to sort all this OUT.. thank you for help you can give me

When you say "leases", do you mean you are holding a lease from a company? If so, the company lease should have a survey name and abstract number. TYPICALLY a company will contact any mineral holders if they are trying to lease the land. If production takes place, division orders are sent to the mineral holders. It simply shows the mineral owners and percentage of royalty to be paid.
The county clerk office (in Dr. Polks old office on the square) would be able to explain how to go into the back and look through the books (or on computer) to locate the abstracts.
I had to go down there and actually find the land title. The company contacted my dad in 05 and got the lease CHEAP. He did not know any better as did most people at that time. The company landman helped out to determine some things for me.
You can research the title and mineral leases, but truthfully a landman would be able to do it easier. I know it is expensive to use a landman, but that is what they do and they understand many things about leases, titles, and minerals that the average person would not be able to decipher. (To determine if you owned the minerals). That can be tricky in some circumstances.
If you use the links as explained previously, go to last page 92, then back up to page 90 you will see the PEACE lease name. Open it and go to the bottom. You will see a list at the bottom. There is a plat and a P-12. The plat shows the land lease. At the bottom right corner you will see MH VANN, A-751. The P-12 shows either the land owners or mineral owners (I am not sure because they named the land owners on our P-12.) The bottom right corner of the document shows the survey name and abstract number. Just for an example. You can see other abstract numbers all over the plat.
The county clerk will tell you how to locate the abstracts (maybe). They are really busy.
Hope this helps. It is a lot of leg work to find out, but probably worth the effort. Don't give up on it.
I don't know of any online databases to locate the abstract. Maybe the clerk does.
email me one of the survey names and abstract number. I will see if I recognize it. I have looked at many many plats in the past months.
By the way, MOST of the time, if you are holding a lease, you PROBABLY own the minerals, but NOT ALWAYS. They hedge their bets if there is uncertainty sometimes. Most leases have a indemnity clause (means you will pay them if they paid you by mistake), Or something like that. It is scary sometimes to get a check, then find out you might not own the minerals. That probably doesn't happen a lot. Just be aware. A GOOD landman can usually make that determination (that is one reason companies use them).



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