I am Har C2; Still here and still committed to Webster Parish.

Report in. This is test and only a test.

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I'm still hanging around Har and committed. Now if we can get a O & G to commit to serious offer. I'd be happy.

Dorcheated A1.
Hello friend! Did you say that you were committed? Where, we will all come visit you!! lolololol, I am sorry, I absolutely couldn't resist this one. No offense meant :-) Still friends I hope.
Very Nice hdm,
Just the opposite. You are even more my friend with that great sense of humor. I at my weakest moment let down my guard or should I say I had a major proof reading error. The way you pounced on it indicates you could be a pro prankster. A very rare breed not many of us left please keep up the good work.
Your friend
I'm still here, also.
Mom A1
Testing, testing, anyone else out there.
Hi Har C2; I'm still hanging in there and hoping for the best for everybody in Webster
Present! Count on me!
I'm here.
I am also present! Sparky, you any related to mr stewart...you Flamed up about the time ol' snake took a brake! LOL
Still here ,trying hard now not to piss people off too much. Ben trying to build up our site some during this lull in the action. I Don't like the new restrained me very much but I am told that health issues will not be as much a factor with the calmer Snake ie , high blood pressure , stroke , heart attack , mood swings, lymphedema, malaise and or manic-depressive psychosis. Well we can probably scratch a couple of the last ones but who is keeping score anyway !

That was a joke, kid's ............... I am only Psychotic !
Present and accounted for, SIR!!
Old as Dirt reporting. I haven't turned to dust yet!


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