Hello everybody,

If you would like to share any idea's with us that would help us to better organize this area, please let us know! We have started to pull many units together but will still haven't done anything as a group to get ready.If you would like to be a part of this gathering please let us know.Even if you feel you could better serve yourself individually we could still use your input.We will need volunteers in every area that we represent to help keep each other up to date. We need your help , plain and simple. If this thing is going to work for everyone we need to get ready.Things are fixing to speed up faster then you could imagine.Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Mr. Shirley, I do not think that I have heard of any group that had a minimum amount to join.
We are limited on our budget, as in zero! But we are currently trying to get the word out.This meeting is just a simple handshake with the community.As our future meetings begin to come about , I hope to be better prepared. Please tell everyone you think could use the info.Thanks MOM!
The reason I asked Snakestewart was because my brother was left out of a small group in the Haughton area.He settled an agreement hisself and got about the same as others.That was the reason for my question.Plainly and simply put...I don't know much of anything about this Haynsville Shale.
I am sorry to hear about your brother's situation. That is about the worst thing I have heard since I have been on this site! And I have heard some really bad stuff ! Were the people that left him out neighbors with him ? I wish that your brother was still free to lease , we could bring him along.

If there are any questions that you or your brother may ever have,please ask me. If I don't know the answer we will find someone that does. Thats how this site works.Thats what it is for . People helping people.Tell your brother I am sorry he had to face the sharks by himself and if his neighbors can't treat him no better then that, he needs to think about moving !
Hey Sam...I know I`ve asked before but still feeling like my land in Sarepta is not viable.I`m not sure it wouold be beneficial for me to drive in from Baton Rouge. Most are saying we`re too far and north.What you think.No need to sugar coat it.
Thanks in advance
sect7 township 22N range 10W...sw 1/4...81 acres...please put us on your list...

I didn't realize you were north of us. Has there been any activity close to you?

Mr stewart
Since you are the assumed leader for wp where is your land located how many acres and offers have you accepted or turn down
Mr stewart
Since you are the assumed leader for wp where is your land located how many acres and offers have you accepted or turn down
You heard they drilled a dry hole around Benton, I was told a couple of day ago that a dry hole was also drilled around Summerfield and that the company that drilled it is going to move back to the west a few miles a try another.
To snakestewart; The meeting in Dixie Inn last wk has some of my community beliving that the oil cos. want to lease land north of Minden. And paper work was furnished for them to sign up with a Mr. Black to handle the leaseing. I have no problem with leasing the small track of land that I have and apparently all who handle this for land owners are charging 5% of the monies received. Am I correct in thinking that the meetings were to form landowners into a group or groups that will stand together in leasing their land in their sections? Or was it to get everyone possible that wanted to lease in Webster Parish? We have not heard from any Oil Cos.
only from Argent, some weeks ago and they have backed out on what they said would take place. I understand another meeting is set in Dixie Inn on Tuesday July 15 are you going to be there? It seems to me that the landowners that have not been contacted about their land are in a disadvantage when they try to lease the mineral
rights before any Oil Co has wanted them. The shale as far as I can see has not verified as parish wide or not. I do not trust any Oil Co. to tell me that my land is worth 2000 per ac and someone else has land worth 30,000 per ac, without at the very lease someone or some agency not associated with them comfirming there is a major diffenerce between the 2 plots. Bottom line is not knowing cost us in the long run. I have talked to 2 lease people, one lives on lake Bistineau. I couldn't get anything out of him but, this is the craziest thing he has ever seen. Mr Black apparently set a figure of 4000 per ac min. my question is how was that set and who set it? Apparently Mr. Sam has issues with some of this. I am not on a side, all I would like to have is information.
Smackover Crude,
I was at the meeting on Thursday night and we were told they want all of the land in 19 and 20 and that there are 3 companies that are interested in leasing.


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