James CD1
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  • Bobi Carr ("parker")
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  • DrWAVeSport Cd1
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James CD1's Discussions

Location of well #240020
14 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by The_Baron Aug 17, 2009.

23 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Two Dogs, Pirate Jul 31, 2008.

townships,sections etc-how do I locate on maps
3 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Har C2 Aug 1, 2008.


James CD1's Page

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 9:09 on September 28, 2011, Bruno said…
So why are you interested in 243449 spud date?  Just curious why you're curious.
At 8:16 on September 28, 2011, Bruno said…
When the first well went in on that pad they did a decent job posting to Sonris but lots of the posts said 'waiting on completion rig', which was frustrating.  This time no posts but things are going much faster.  Completion rig is there now and I saw a truck loaded with bags of fracing chemicals turn in on Bagley.  I am anxious for completion because I missed the notation of bottom hole location on the first well and was very disappointed to find that the first was drilled into the neighboring section, not the section (mine) where the pad is.  Bad enough that they just up and renamed crazy-shaped section 37 as section 34. Did you get your weird ownership issue straightened out?
At 16:03 on January 26, 2010, DrWAVeSport Cd1 said…

Just visiting GHS this evening. Looks like 2010 is going to be the year for gettin er done per holding leases. More activity than any I have seen to date! When you get time...I have some ? per Sec-T-R activity, per Petrohawk. It seems that I have not requested you as a "friend," so cannot e-mail you. I have remedied this! I should check in again 1/27/10 (if can stay in town). I am looking at some strange info over by you and I need your input. Hope all is well with you and yours. We are still UMI...but two wells drilling now...just to hold two large leases. Don't expect any production though, no pipe. My apologies for not "friending" you long before now!!!!! You are indeed this shalers friend.
At 11:02 on December 5, 2009, DrWAVeSport Cd1 said…
James, Just cking in. Hope you are well. Still UMI. Going price as of 12/1/09 (out my way...is $8K/25%...but (IMO) horrible lease per Chk. Have been away for a long time...illnesses in family. However, I have been attempting to ck in the past few weeks as wells are coming into 2 sections I have interest in. Again I am attempting to get reconnected in the HS, and I just wanted to say Hello.

DrWAVeSport Cd1 12/5/09
At 2:21 on October 28, 2009, James CD1 said…
Susie,Chesapeake is paying $5,000.00 a acre for a 3yr lease with 2yr
option in my section.
The landman said if they have not drilled by 3 yrs and they want to
lease for the other 2 they will pay $5,000.00 agan-I questioned him
TWICE to be sure-I questioned him because Petrohawk proratets the
last 2 yrs @$3,332.00 BUT Is Chesapeake intrested In your property?
Don't slam any doors you can't open again. The o/g people know
more way to skin a cat than we could ever think of.
Can you talk to the attorney down the street to make Sure he signed
and get the other important issue in the lease settled.
Pugh Clause, royatlies etc. Good luck.
At 17:54 on October 27, 2009, Susie said…
This is Petrohawk.
He came tonight and signed up some on S. Dresden Ct. I didn't sign. He didn't have a copy of the lease to leave with me. He said he was coming back next Wednesday and I'll probably sign then. I think I'm making too much of it. This site has made me paranoid!
He said an attorney down my street liked it. Pays by draft. $6500.00 for 5 years.
Maybe I'll call Chesapeake tomorrow.
At 12:59 on October 27, 2009, Susie said…
Did you contact Guillory in Lafayette? Any news?
At 11:30 on October 25, 2009, Susie said…
Andy Guillory with Exploration Land Services in Lafayette
cell - 337-298-0166
He said $5,000.00 first and changed it to $6500.00 now
$6500 an acre for 5 years That's a good deal FOR THEM!
I don't want to.

We are at the edge of Elm Grove field, a proven area.
At 4:46 on October 25, 2009, Susie said…
I'm looking for his card-will let you know. Where do you live?
At 6:19 on April 25, 2009, Bobi Carr ("parker") said…
Talked to a friend last night who said that #238527 is not one of Petrohawks's top producing wells. He said it was a pretty good well best he could remember but not a barn burner. I guess time will tell. I got directions and went, but turned around when I saw the No Trespassing signs.

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