Jim York
  • Male
  • Sterlington, LA
  • United States
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  • Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant
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Oil and Gas Professional
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Antrim, Bakken, Barnett, Eagle Ford, Fayetteville, Haynesville

Comment Wall (10 comments)

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At 3:46 on February 15, 2012, Britt said…
When is the LSBD boom gonna get started ? I hope 
It looks as good as I think it does. Does
Anyone have any updates?
At 3:46 on February 15, 2012, Britt said…
When is the LSBD boom gonna get started ? I hope 
It looks as good as I think it does. Does
Anyone have any updates?
At 10:34 on February 4, 2012, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…

Jim, I have a request that requires an off site contact.  Would you be willing to provide me with an email address or phone number?  Thanks.  Skip

At 5:08 on December 14, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…

Thanks, Jim.  That's interesting.

At 4:18 on December 14, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…


What is the procedure for accessing an online copy of a work permit from the Monroe District office?  Thanks.


At 5:04 on November 10, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…

Good question, Jim.  I would hazard the guess that nothing would happen as the state does not require that a log be submitted.  Operators are currently required to provide a letter stating that no log was run on a given well.  At least that is what I run across regularly in the paper records of the LOC District 6 office here in Shreveport.  I reviewed the RELCO wells to see which were sufficiently deep to penetrate the LSBD.  There are only a few but they did have logs on file.  I didn't look at the entire log as I am a landman and can not interpret a log.  The completion report on the Georgia Pacific "W" does have a listing of formation tops from the Wilcox down to the Louann Salt.  And the Georgia Pacific "S" was completed and has two logs on file if I remember correctly.  If you would care to keep the posts to you comment wall private, you can do two things.  First set your privacy option so that only "friends" can view your page.  Second, keep in mind that the comments you view are not viewable by others if you do not "approve" them.  My contact information is on my page.  Thanks for the friend request.  Skip

At 4:07 on November 10, 2011, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…

Jim, the sonic log for the Relco Georgia Pacific W-1 is available in the SONRIS Classic database.  I pulled it up to be sure.

At 8:09 on October 25, 2011, CIRCLE-D said…


Thanks for the reply.  Well produce 9,334 bbls first two

and 1/2 months after completion. 

At 6:10 on October 25, 2011, CIRCLE-D said…


Do you have any idea or the reserves in this mooringsport zone ?


At 9:46 on February 5, 2010, Jim York said…
Hello! I hope the site is a place for you to learn, network and contribute. My name is Keith and I started the site in June of 2008 to open up lines of communication between landowners. Since then, we have grown to over 10,000 members.

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Keith "Haynesville"
Site Publisher

P.S. Have fun SHALING!


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The Lithium Connection to Shale Drilling

Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…


Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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