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Chesapeake and PXP Announce Haynesville Shale Joint Venture

Found this link on tigerdroppings.com. Makes a good read. Check out the paragraph on number of rigs too.

"OKLAHOMA CITY & HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Chesapeake Energy Corporation (NYSE:CHK - News) and Plains Exploration & Production Company (NYSE:PXP - News) (“PXP”) today announced they have entered into a Haynesville Shale joint venture (the “JV”) in North Louisiana and East Texas."


Posted on July 1, 2008 at 15:14 — 1 Comment

"Talk of the Town" radio show from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM this Saturday

I got this in a e-mail from a person I met at the LSU meeting.

" Tom Pace was circulating after the meeting,
carrying a microphone around and trying to interview some of the
speakers. He plans to air a discussion on the Haynesville Shale Play on
his "Talk of the Town" radio show from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM this Saturday
on 1340 AM. I've never heard his show before, but his take might prove

I how this is of interest:)

Posted on June 26, 2008 at 14:08

Oil Gas field names / Locations

Here is a little something that might help someone. a listing of oil gas fields and parishes. I reviewed the last two months of applications on the DNR website to see if any upcoming permits effected my area. I had to look at EVERY APPLICATION to find which one is in my parish. Hope this helps someone.
PS. Lots of forced pooling going on.


Posted on June 17, 2008 at 14:45

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At 20:36 on February 25, 2019, Timothy White said…
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At 10:32 on September 22, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
At 3:04 on September 10, 2009, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Hello! I hope the site is a place for you to learn, network and contribute. My name is Keith and I started the site in June of 2008 to open up lines of communication between landowners. Since then, we have grown to over 10,000 members.

There are a couple things you should check out. 1) Check out current discussions. 2) Join in on the County and Parish Groups. By joining a County or Parish, you are networking locally with people who share similar concerns.

Be sure to read up on how to navigate the site HERE. This will help you get the most out of the site.

Lastly, be sure to check out our tool bar. It will speed up your participation. Download our free toolbar

As a member, should you ever be on the recieving end of crudeness, rudeness or spam, let me know. The site is a peered monitored site and we need your assistance.


Keith "Haynesville"
Site Publisher

P.S. Have fun SHALING!
At 16:12 on July 26, 2008, Bacon said…
Hey Duster, I noticed that you mentioned your attorney indicated the O&G's might be backing off on the leasing lately. Is that H.B. by any chance?
At 17:16 on July 22, 2008, Glenn Morgan said…
Duster: I have 6 2/3 unleased acres in S29, T12N, R9W and would possibly be interested in joining a group for lease negotiation. Unfortunately, I leased my other acerage for $2000/acre to Pride back in April before the potential was common knowledge
At 15:43 on July 15, 2008, insomniacnla said…
The XTO guy is: Leonard McCarty (817) 885-3367. I believe that he will be the one that will assign you to the particular landman that will handle your area. Mr. McCarty is not with a leasing office, he is at the XTO company office so you might get somewhere with him concerning your offers.
At 6:26 on July 8, 2008, crivertrio said…
Hi Duster,
I live in section 29 T14 Range 10, I have not signed yet. i have been offered 8000, with terms at 25% any advise. I think that is low. Any help would be appreciated. Everyone around me leased in the spring.
At 2:25 on July 6, 2008, BLZBub said…
Own land in T13N R9W also. Good for you holding out. For what we got 4/08, can't complain. Who would have thought things would have run so rampant.

Leased through Pride Oil who is backed by Encana/Shell
At 8:06 on June 22, 2008, insomniacnla said…

If you are concerned about being able to sign a lease with an o/g company before any wells start production, you can contact the companies youself instead of waiting on a landman to contact you first. I was not sure if you were already negotiating or was waiting for a company to contact you. You can also contact several o/g companies and may come out better that way if they end up competing with one another for your lease. You can also join some of the landowner associations. I hope this helps.
At 15:53 on June 5, 2008, DrWAVeSport Cd1 said…
Thanks for the reply.
Please note difference between "voluntary" pooling, where landowner is in the better than force pooling situation.

And, the Second type, force pooling or "compulsory/statutory pooling" where "the poduction company files a request for a pooling order, which provides for the surrender or sharing of interest by the landowner...As a result of the hearing, an order can be issued by the state (Conservation Commissioner in LA) concerning the setting of the cost formula for sharing costs and revenues in the pooled area. THE STATE AND THE PRODUCTION COMPANY USUALLY set the cost formula. Most landowners have very little imput in this situation...The landowners may speak in their own behalf at the hearing. THIS IS A COMPULSORY POOLING HEARING...AND POOLING WILL TAKE PLACE".

Can find articles per O&G Pooling; How Gas Leases Differ From Oil Leases; Mineral Rights in O&G Leases; Oil & Gas Lease Negotiations & Terms, etc....at the following link:


It seems to me that with the State and the O&G Companies "setting" the $$$ amounts, the mineral owner probably won't get much of a Bonus or at the worst less in royalty percentage.

Hope this helps. Looking to sign first/before forcing!
Hope this will be the case for most mineral owners!

Nice to meet you...Oh...and, spread the word per website! We need all we can get!

DrWAVeSport 6/5/08 p.m.

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The Lithium Connection to Shale Drilling

Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…


Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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