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Whatever happened to sections who were held by old leases-trying to get minerals back
24 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by robert minton Jan 22, 2013.

Need a link to the Chesapeake rep who was fielding question on this site
4 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Katie McCullin Dec 30, 2010.

Dept. of Conservation site has changed. Help
9 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant Dec 30, 2010.


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Eagle Ford, Haynesville

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At 16:26 on July 29, 2010, lawrence lehrer said…
just looking for an estimate, thanks for trying
At 14:57 on February 21, 2009, Good Rascal said…
At 12:11 on December 27, 2008, Snake Stewart said…
Please do not let this mornings tirade affect you in the least. You did nothing wrong nor did you cause the thread to go asunder. You owe nobody an apology.Actually I would like to apologize to you for what happened.It was childish and uncalled for.Pros should have a little tougher chin in my opinion. At least on this site they better. Have a good one.

At 11:17 on October 1, 2008, insomniacnla said…
I know that this will not be much help for you but I believe that Section 21 may be involved in the old lease that Kassi is held by. You can go to Kassi's page on this site and read her blog that explains what happened and what sections that the old lease covers. Kassi has spearheaded a group that will try and have their land severed from the old lease. Your friend that owns the land in Section 21 should probably contact Kassi if they wish to join her efforts and that of their attorney.

I believe that there 2 currently producing wells in Sec. 21 that were drilled into the Glen Rose, 4,200'. I am pretty sure that the size of the units there are 160 acres (1/4) section. Your friends' land would have to be in one of the units in order for them to take part in the production. Ask you friend if they received some paperwork from Bob Anderson, P.E. back in 2004 or 2005 and that will show the plat map and your friends can see if their land is included in the units or not. I think that the units were formed on the east side of the section but it has been awhile since I saw the maps.

The old lease that holds Kassi's land and that of her neighbors is an old one and may hold 4,000 acres in 7 different sections with only 1 producing well in 1 section. They may own their mineral rights but they would be bound by the terms of the old lease yet still not share in the production of the well in the other section. It is certainly an atypical situation and I wish Kassi success.
At 15:14 on August 18, 2008, reg said…
email me about E&O policy-- I handle legal malpractice cases.
At 17:36 on August 16, 2008, phaco said…
Email me re: the minerals you wish to sell.


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The Lithium Connection to Shale Drilling

Shale drilling and lithium extraction are seemingly distinct activities, but there is a growing connection between the two as the world moves towards cleaner energy solutions. While shale drilling primarily targets…


Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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