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Comment by pam kurz on October 11, 2008 at 4:31
I am new to the forum and hesitant to post....really ignorant ....but starting to research this play for my elderly mother and her brothers. The family land is located approx. on the range map ....thinking township 10/10. I do not know the exact plot but it involves 500+ acres. A broker approached my uncle and wanted the family to organize a pool. There are 10 members in the pool.....but most are well up in age....not sure they are doing their homework. My mother asked me to look over some papers and contact an oil and gas attorney before she signs anything. Apparently, the consultant firm negotiating the deal is getting wants to hire attorneys (at my mother's expense) to force XTO to follow through with the deal. My concerns are if she signs the legal papers "Fee Agreement and Authority to Represent" ....the litigation may drag on years.....preventing her from signing on with another interested party making an offer. Has anyone on the forum heard similar stories posted in the past? Is this typical tactics by oil companies? Do brokers typically ask you to pay for attorneys to force the deal? I'm thinking the family should seek out a landman directly associated with an oil company and consult with an Oil and Gas attorney? Any suggestions?
Comment by Ed Hill on September 11, 2008 at 2:52
Gray Sands:

Nobody is trying to fool anybody here. In regards to your question about the working interest that I have in certain wells, I currently don't own have any interest in any wells in North La. The majority of the w.i. that I have are in wells located in West and South Texas. The small w.i. interest that I do own in Louisiana is in wells situated in mature fields scattered about down in South La. As I have previously posted, I am a non-operator working interest owner. However, if it will appease you, a few of the well serial numbers that I do have a w.i. in are 217615, 219597, 233805 and 71005.

All that I am trying to make people aware of is that I think that you will find that there are numerous plays currently being undertaken in North Louisiana that have no relation whatsoever to the Haynesville Shale. Many of these plays are being undertaken by your "Mom and Pop" type operator. I know for a fact that some prospects have fallen appart because landowners have demanded Haynesville prices for their leases even though the operator has told them that he was targeting the Wilcox formation (found at around 3,500 feet) and not the Haynesville Shale. The landowners still demanded a bonus of several thousand dollars even after the operator offered to exclude from his lease all depths below the Wilcox. While forums like this have helped provide knowledge to landowners in regards to the leasing of their minerals for the Haynesville Shale, it appears to have had the unintended consequence of negatively affecting various convential plays by creating unrealistic expectations with some landowners and prospects are not getting drilled by the "Mom and Pops" that would have otherwise been put together and drilled. Would you pay the same price for a Volkswagon that you would pay for a Lexus? I think not.
Comment by Jaybird on September 10, 2008 at 19:32
Caldwell and Jackson Parishes...your not in the Haynesville Shale....just like Bossier Parish, Bienville parish, Claiborne Parish, Caddo Parish, Webster Parish, Red River parish, DeSoto Parish, oh well just...look at the map above. The shaded areas are actual really good camping grounds with very low nightly fees!

Clearly someone doesn't want you to "know" your in the largest play in Louisiana. So accept it and move on. Sign for $150 per acre and deal with it! :o) Oh and just so nobody jumps down my throat...that's entirely my opinion! That's my lil disclaimer!

Comment by Wilmer Sparks on September 10, 2008 at 11:14
Mr. Hill:

You certainly have your right to express your opinions on this forum however different they might be from the majority of the posters to this site. An open dialogue between people with different view points is always healthy as long as it is done in a civil manner.

I have read all of the posts that you posted to this thread and did not find any of them to be condescinding, derogatory or rude. But that is just my opinion and I guess that it doesn't matter to anyone but me. I did feel that Gray C. Sands most recent post to be somewhat rude and snippity which is what he accused you of being in your posts to Haynesville in regards to this plat.

Gray C. Sands:

What was meant by the inclusion of the below item to one of your posts? Did Ed Hill previously say something derogatory to Haynesville in another post?

"At 3:56pm on August 13th, 2008, Haynesville said…
Your opinions are fine. Please no personal attacks. we have had landman & oil pros on this site contibuting for quite some time, so no need to have personal attacks from one now."
I wonder why Ed is attacking you 1 month later? Hmmmm!
Comment by Ed Hill on September 10, 2008 at 9:16
I apologize for the typos in my previous post. I have corrected these typos and I now present this corrected post for all to read.

Gray Sands:

Please explain to me how my comments were any any way, shape, matter or form as being rude to Mr. Haynesville and are totaly "out of line" as stated by you. I never once was derogatory to either Mr. Haynesville or you for that matter. I repeat, I have never been derogatory to Mr. Haynesville in any of my posts in regards to his plat and I dare you to find evidence in any of my posts to him that I was. Perhaps you just don't like the thoughts that I state in the posts that I make?

What is wrong with believing that if something is going to be posted on a forum for the public to view, it should be as accurate and correct as possible.

For the record, I am not a landman but I am a working interest owner in over 248 currently producing wells located in both Texas and Louisiana. I do not have any working interest ownership in any of the Haynesville wells that are currently producing. My pockets are just not deep enough to buy a seat at this poker table. I'll be honest enough to say that I have made a pretty decent living from the oil field. On the flip side, the plays that I have been involved with have put a lot of food on landowners tables and put many a child through college and have generally improved the quality of life for many people. I like to think that in my dealings with landowners, I have been as ethical and as fair as possible but please believe me when I say that there have several landowners over the years who have tried to take advantage of me to the fullest extent possible.

With that being said, it was my understanding that this website was created for the express purpose of sharing knowledge with each other of the oil and gas industry. However, I find it ironic that when someone tries to give an opinion in this forum that differs with that of the prevailing sentiment, that person gets shouted down and gets labled as being rude and obnoxious and cries come out to ban him/her from this forum. Is there really that many people out there who have such a narrow view of an open dialogue forum?
Comment by Lrb2brnot2b on September 10, 2008 at 3:38
I think we need to leave Mr. Ed alone. It's just the nature of his business to be as accurate as he can. I don't think he by no means intended his comment to be rude. As all shalers know, the map in reference is a general area of activity. Who cares what formation it is , it's all money that I don't have right now. He has and continues to contribute good information to the site. He just tries to be accurate with it.
Comment by Ed Hill on September 10, 2008 at 3:01
Mr. Hayneville:

The label at the top of your plat states in bold letters "Haynesville Shale Leasing Activity" and each parish is shaded with the same color. This implies that leases are being acquired in all of the shaded parishes for exploration of the Haynesville Shale.

I think a more appropriate way to present this map would to designate those parishes in which Haynesville Shale leasing is currently known to be taking place in (i. e. Caddo, Desoto, Red River, Bossier, Natchitoches) with a particular color and state on your map legend that leasing for the exploration of Haynesville Shale is currently taking place in these paricular parishes. For those parishes that you don't know if leasing activity is taking place for the Haynesville Shale, you can designate these parishes with a separate color and lablel them as parishes with potential Haynesville Shale leasing.

I think that this would be a more accurate and repesentative way to exhibit this plat.
Comment by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on September 10, 2008 at 2:29

Your comments were deleted because the picture was replaced and couldn't be salvaged. No conspiracy theory here. Does the disclaimer not satisfy the need to convey the questionmark regarding the H-Shales location? The goal of the disclaimer is to note that this isn't based on geological studies.
Comment by Ed Hill on September 10, 2008 at 2:21

Unforutnately, Mr. Haynesville has no idea whether the leasing activity taking place in Jackson Parish is for the Haynesville Shale or the Wilcox Formation or the Hosston Formation or the Cotton Valley Formation, etc. This information is known only by the company that is currently acquiring these leases. If you are approached by one of these companies to lease your acreage, you can certainly ask what formation they are targeting before deciding whether you will lease with them or not.

Because of statements that I made in previous posts in regards to this plat (which I note have been deleted), a disclaimer was added by Mr. Haynesville that this plat was for discussion purposes only. The truth of the matter is that neither Mr. Haynesville or anyone else has any idea as to the formation(s) being targeted by the companies currently acquiring leases in these eastern parishes (Jackson, Caldwell, etc.)

Is the Haynesville potentially there in these parishes? It sure is a possibility. However, to imply that leasing activity in a particular parish is being spurred on by the current Haynesville Shale frenzy is a disservice to all.
Comment by Ashley on September 9, 2008 at 15:28
Great picture-one question: I noticed Jackson Parish is included in this map. Is this the most recent map available? Do you know of actual leasing activity that has taken place in Jackson Parish regarding the Haynesville Shale. I'm obsessed. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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