We signed three years ago for pennies. Today I received a letter stating they had extended our contract until 2011. Included was the same amount for bonus as we originally received( pennies). The contract does read that they can extend the contract. However, I thought they had to re negotiate the bonus amount. Thanks for the help. I'm new @ this blog thing so bare with me

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Comment by Gary Hogan on July 8, 2009 at 19:13
Hello Haynesville Shalers My name is Gary Hogan and I have been involved with The Barnett Gas Play in North Texas and Fort Worth , Texas> I even had the oppurtunity to be part of a story done by Rick Rowe about a year ago as Gas Drilling moved to Louisiana. I must disclose I am not a big fan of intense close in urban gas drilling such as is done in Fort Worth. I am opposed to the Industries tactics used in leasing mineral interests in the earlier days in Fort Worth. The standards of drilling where not neighborly either. We have tamed the industry somewhat, BUT I still am not a fan and hope you all tread cautously and learn from what has transpired here and elsewhere. For Instance be cautous of sell out by local , state and yes federal governemnt. They are heavily lobbied to do the O & G bidding, which may not be in the best interest of our lands. Fort Worth set an ordinance that we thought would protect schools and parks. Yet our City Council routinely votes for waivers to allow industry their way. Let me ask Does or would you all feel good about sending your children to a school less than 600 ft from a gas well or a gas well site with up to 12 wells or more? Please also we have had , although not published wiidely and even denied by O & G water well pollution, or sucked dry in rural areas. We have had reports of cattle stock tanks that cattle are drinking with gas well run off, even more horrid deliberate illegal dumping of production waste water. Environemntal Issues are a big concern too. A recent report an independent study by an SMU professor informed us that the emissions from vaporizing water storage tanks, drilling diesel fumes and compressor stations will equal all the emissions and ozone producing VOC that are produced by all transportation sources in our region. I know Industry scares people with threats to pull out go elsewhere with their money etc BUT I do believe this site , which I congratulate the providers for to educate and inform you all. I did read where the bigger concern is and should be that these producers DO IT RIGHT and not destroy the land. They promise this when they came knocking but without vigilance they will DO AS THEY SEE FIT AND WHAT SUITS THEM. I say this from experience from study on this issue and being involved with it for going on 5 years. SO Please stay informed and consider all the aspects of how this so called blessing can and has been a curse for many after the leases are signed. A few good resources http://www.earthworksaction.org/oil_and_gas.cfm/home.cfm http://www.fwcando.org/ Yes the darker side of what Fort Worth has been through with the big O & G folks and http://txsharon.blogspot.com/ We are not all opposed to the American image of providing our Nation of this valuable resource BUT We are a long way from DOING IT RIGHT HERE IN TEXAS and a little research of Colorado, New Mexico and even Wyoming http://vimeo.com/5402208 Should raise some eyebrows regarding how O&G even in rural areas has raised many health and environmental concerns. This can be a treacherous road with a lot of pitfalls from leasing on. Glad you all got this site to turn to. I tell people Do Not believe me do your own research. The internet is grand. Do not be blinded by money alone. I think the owner of this site even does not want to trade his families birth right land for the sake of $$$$$ that could destroy it. I never hide behind a sydonyme I am Gary Hogan Fort Worth Texas and would be glad to speak to anyone google me for info or email Hogangaryfwtx@aol.com
Comment by jim donaldson on June 29, 2009 at 12:35
If the contract does not spell out that it must be re-negotiated and no terms or monies were discussed, then obviously you will get what you signed for back then.
Comment by The_Baron on June 29, 2009 at 9:55
This might be detter in the discusion forum, but here we go any way.

It depends on the lease. Butyour lease probally says the lease can be extended for the same bonus.

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