My family has leased our property in DeSoto Parish to Bridas Energy and we have
been receiving checks for the two wells on our property for a few years.

Recently we were contacted by someone to lease our acreage
for $500 an acre with 25% royalty. They want permission to go deeper
than our current lease allows.

Two questions: Is this a good offer? And can you lease your
property to another energy company, even though Bridas
holds the current lease?


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Comment by ELLIS HUGH on February 26, 2009 at 9:37
$500 per acre for a Haynesville Shale lease.....

That sounds really low to me. I don't have first hand information, but I have read on here that bonus prices should be considerably higher than $500.00 per acre.

Don't believe that your mineral rights are less valuable to lease because the shallow rights are already HBP.

In my opinion.
Comment by kali on February 26, 2009 at 9:20
I work for a major O & G company who "has drilled" and is currently drilling in the "Haynesville on the Lousinana and TX sides". Send me your phone# so I can get in touch with you.
Comment by Robert G. Oliver on February 3, 2009 at 17:42
You can lease the deep rights only if the term of the lease has expired and the leasees rights have been released 100 ft. below the current production. If the lease is still in effect then the leasee has the right to farm out the deep rights.
Comment by Johnny on January 30, 2009 at 16:36
Send me a phone number and name along with your section, township and range and I will call back and see if others have an interest.


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