T. Boone Pickens Touts Natural Gas Act on Capitol Hill


Somehow, T. Boone Pickens got through Capitol Hill security with something very few succeed in bringing - his common sense.

T. Boone appeared before the Ways and Means Committee to tout the benefits of the Natural Gas Act (NAT GAS Act). Legislation that would provide incentives to get CNG & LNG big rigs and utility trucks on our roads.

The legislation would pursue a 5-year goal of 236,000 natural gas trucks (heavy, medium, and light duty) in operation which would displace an estimated 2 billion gallons of diesel annually and create 600,000 jobs - directly and indirectly.

When pressed regarding the pitfalls of picking energy winners and losers, Pickens quipped, "You're not picking winners, it's not a multiple choice question, there's only one resource that can move an 18 wheeler."

Views: 28

Tags: Act, Boone, Capitol, Gas, Hill, Natural, Pickens, T., Touts, on

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Comment by sesport on April 14, 2010 at 16:36
Hope he whispered in someone's ear that there is a certain auto plant that's about to end production of a particular model of gas guzzzzzzlers that could serve, as it has before, to manufacture light duty trucks. Hellooooooo!!!???


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