The Myth of the Heron and the Hummingbird.

Heron and the Hummingbird
(Hitchiti Tribe)
retold by
S. E. Schlosser
Heron and Hummingbird were very good friends, even though one was tall and gangly and awkward and one was small and sleek and fast. They both loved to eat fish. The Hummingbird preferred small fish like minnows and Heron liked the large ones.
One day, Hummingbird said to his friend: "I am not sure there are enough fish in the world for both of our kind to eat. Why don't we have a race to see which of us should own the fish?"
Heron thought that was a very good idea. They decided that they would race for four days. The finish line was an old dead tree next to a far-away river. Whichever of them sat on top of the tree first on the fourth day of the race would own all the fish in the world.
They started out the next morning. The Hummingbird zipped along, flying around and around the Heron, who was moving steadily forward, flapping his giant wings. Then Hummingbird would be distracted by the pretty flowers along the way. He would flit from one to the other, tasting the nectar. When Hummingbird noticed that Heron was ahead of him, he hurried to catch up with him, zooming ahead as fast as he could, and leaving Heron far behind. Heron just kept flying steadily forward, flapping his giant wings.
Hummingbird was tired from all his flitting. When it got dark, he decided to rest. He found a nice spot to perch and slept all night long. But Heron just kept flying steadily forward all night long, flapping his giant wings.
When Hummingbird woke in the morning, Heron was far ahead. Hummingbird had to fly as fast as he could to catch up. He zoomed past the big, awkward Heron and kept going until Heron had disappeared behind him. Then Hummingbird noticed some pretty flowers nearby. He zip-zipped over to them and tasted their nectar. He was enjoying the pretty scenery and didn't notice Heron flap-flapping passed him with his great wings.
Hummingbird finally remembered that he was racing with Heron, and flew as fast as he could to catch up with the big, awkward bird. Then he zipped along, flying around and around the Heron, who kept moving steadily forward, flapping his giant wings.
For two more days, the Hummingbird and the Heron raced toward the far-distant riverbank with the dead tree that was the finish line. Hummingbird had a marvelous time sipping nectar and flitting among the flowers and resting himself at night. Heron stoically kept up a steady flap-flap-flapping of his giant wings, propelling himself forward through the air all day and all night.
Hummingbird woke from his sleep the morning of the fourth day, refreshed and invigorated. He flew zip-zip toward the riverbank with its dead tree. When it came into view, he saw Heron perched at the top of the tree! Heron had won the race by flying straight and steady through the night while Hummingbird slept.
So from that day forward, the Heron has owned all the fish in the rivers and lakes, and the Hummingbird has sipped from the nectar of the many flowers which he enjoyed so much during the race.

Here I go again posting things that have nothing to do with the Haynesville Shale. Maybe, maybe not. I read this and just loved the ending. The Heron won but the Hummingbird didn’t lose. While learning all that I can from GHS, I’ve enjoyed the nectar along the way. I hope the friendships last a lifetime. I know that if nothing else the inspiration will. I truly hope that for all the battles that may seem lost that each of us get to enjoy the nectar we tasted while running the race.

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Comment by sesport on March 23, 2009 at 16:42
Funny how the hummers & herons & other creatures don't need Maslow ... or Piaget or Bloom ... to tell them that (how to achieve self actualization). Nope, no problems in the animal kingdom with "-isms." They're just going along being all they can be. LOL :0)
Comment by sesport on March 23, 2009 at 0:07
Agreed, appreciate the nature of the heron & hummer, just be aware that change is necessary, and inevitable, in order for them to sustain and survive. Nature has built in the mechanisms for change - adaptation, metamorphosis, evolution. Without these capabilities, the individual & the species cannot survive.

So, indeed, the hummer from time to time stops dead still and hovers in the air and the heron may flit from spot to spot until it finds that perfect place from which to fish. Not diluted natures, just behaviors that ensure the species will be around to be appreciated. For the hummer that constantly zoom-zooms may eventually crash & burn, and the heron that doesn't flit may eventually run out of food or become prey.
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 22, 2009 at 18:04

The way that I see it is, let the Heron be themself and let the Hummingbird be completely themself.

If you have a Magnolia Tree and an Oak Tree, you wouldn't tell the Oak that they need to put out flowers and acorns.

I, for one, like the flowers and the acorns, I just don't expect both to come form the same tree.

Their true nature doesn't have to be DILUTED, just APPRECIATED for what it is.
Comment by sesport on March 22, 2009 at 16:30
And sometimes the herons need to try being a little bit hummer ... flit around, enjoy the scenery, and just play. Sometimes the hummer may need to be like the heron ... slow down from time to time, focus on what's important, then go for it.

As for winning ... after knowing some terminal cancer patients & their families, after reading Randy Pausch, I have come to the conclusion it's not about winning, it's about quality of living.

As for the buzzards, Mrs. C., at least we can see when they're circling and be forewarned that a kill is in process. We can then leave it to the buzzards, or find the remains of the victim and work on clean up.

There needs to be balance in life ... the Asians call it the ying & the yang.

Best - sesport :0)
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 22, 2009 at 16:19
A Heron on the other hand isn't just slow and steady but focused on their goal. I would imagine that all great visionaries are Herons. I would bet that a Heron take pleasure in their fish as much as the Hummingbird relishes their nectar.
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 22, 2009 at 16:13
Buzzards just take what can't put up a fight.
Comment by Cathaus on March 22, 2009 at 15:56
And I guess we even need those buzzards from time to time!
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 22, 2009 at 15:54
The world needs Herons and Hummingbirds.
Comment by Cathaus on March 22, 2009 at 15:53
I like it when both sides win. True, the heron won the race but what treasures he missed along the way. We need to be more like the hummingbird, venture off the path every once in a while and sample what life has to offer.
Comment by Bobi Carr ("parker") on March 22, 2009 at 15:50

I came away with the same conclusion that you did.

Everyone has to be true to themselves and in being so they win.

I also like that by winning they don't diminish the others winning either.

I'm all for win-win situations. And truly believe they can exist.


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