Keith Mauck (Site Publisher)'s Comments

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At 3:34 on March 3, 2010, Mike Tomlin said…
Member: Lasana

Sent me a friend request asking I e-mail her @ "".

Google that e-mail address. It appears to be SPAM. Thanks!
At 4:30 on February 23, 2010, John1948 said…
Glad I found this site. Sure has already helped me understand the aspects of O&G leasing .
Thanks ,for starting and maintaining
At 8:22 on February 19, 2010, Glenn E. Camus said…
keith, do you have a good section map for sabine parish la?
At 14:00 on February 15, 2010, Tia Evans said…
Thanks for your awesome welcome!!
At 15:56 on February 2, 2010, BILL SPEIGHTS said…
The strip that shows the number of on-line people and their icon has suddenly gone away. any idea what could be wrong?
At 7:27 on February 2, 2010, Jim Edwards said…
Yes everything is looking good for the Haynesville Shale. Thank you and all for what you do here on the web site and Hello to all. Semper Fi, jim edwards
At 17:28 on January 30, 2010, sesport said…
80P I DON"T want to be "here is an example!!!" You be "here is an example." Or one of the other numerous blogs that have had successful posts can be "here is an example." Or make an example out of Skip or Dorcheated.
At 13:50 on January 28, 2010, Cary Jerome Marston Huff said…
How am I doing on my comments? Am I giving away too much info?
At 7:44 on January 19, 2010, Cathaus said…
The Colts are my second favorite team. I am soooo looking forward to seeing the Colts and The SAINTS play in the SuperBowl.
At 3:56 on January 15, 2010, Skip Peel - Mineral Consultant said…
You still loading that van?????? LOL!
At 11:45 on January 14, 2010, redrivergal said…
Thanks so much for developing the site. It's been so helpful to many of us. One question about printing out pages or answers that I want to keep for future reference---is there a way to do that without printing all the ads and other stuff on the page? Maybe I've overlooked those instructions. Thanks again.
At 17:10 on January 13, 2010, UPITT said…
Cigar Fan? I am as well. Thanks for the site. It's the best.
At 8:04 on January 12, 2010, Norman J. Cone III said…
Hey Keith, Any plans to make a Webster Parish Network on this site?
At 7:36 on January 11, 2010, Jack Blake said…
Jack Blake has been contacted by Mustang Engineering; a firm working for Encana. They may want to run a P/L on edge of Jack's land. They say they try to keep it as close to the edge of property as necessary so they take as little property as necessary.
Jack's land is in Sec 21 T 10 N - R 11 W.
-The P/L would go down a 750' side of my land that has a Sabine Parish maintained dirt road frontage all down that 750' side of the land.
-I don't know what size of P/L it would be (maybe this 8" you speak of).
-I have minerals leased to Chesapeake and Encana said that has nothing to do with this P/L ROW deal they may want to make.
-I gave permission to survey and they have surveyed and put up flags on about 1-9-10. Encana wants a ROW for an Encana P/L.
Jack did pretty good on the original mineral 3 yr lease to Chesapeake(lease good for another 1.5 years and my section has been made a production unit by SWEPI LP but so far no well planned on SONRIS).
Q 1 What is fair compensation for this ROW deal? $/foot in length or how is it figured?
Q 2 Is it a perpetual never ending lease and a one time pay out to me or money every so many years?
Q 3 What specifice do I need to put in the deal?
Q-4 What else do I need to know?? Maybe I need to know the size of P/L and volume they plan to flow thru it to make my deal?
Q-5 Where can I do more research?
I do want the ROW on my land and I want to be compensated fairly, but I don't want to demand to much and scare them away from my land.
Help a brother out howled Jack Blake!!!
Long live the HS!!!!!
Oust Obama---Keith for President cried Jack Blake!!!!!
At 8:09 on January 5, 2010, Bre Noland said…
Hi Keith: Sorry for not getting back to you timely. The holidays were busy for some of us. Thank you for your comments and knowledge of the workings in the Shale. It is always nice to know someone who has their finger on the pulse. I've been lobbying for 25 years. Presently, I represent a statewide organization of Louisiana School Psychologist and the Nationally Certified School Psychologist. In the late 80's & early 90's I shared the Baton Rouge office with the director of LAIPRO, which is now LIOGA. I was the liason to the Orleans Parish Criminal Sheriff-Charles Foti, Jr. When he was elected State Attorney General, I went to work for the Louisiana Center for Law & Civic Education. Three years after Katrina the center moved their offices back to New Orleans and ended my job so I went back to lobbying again. I see all of the operators at the capitol during session and still know some of them from the early days. LIOGA is a tight knit group mostly from Lafayette and the Southwest area. You may know Don Briggs the director. You should contact him and see if he has anything to add to your blog. He is in a position to know of coming events that your readers may be interested in. I was invited to attend LIOGA's legislative function for the legislature at the Pentagon last year. I met a lot of the production company representatives, including Chesapeak and XTO. Their meeting the previous day was in reference to the Haynesville Shale, which the public was not invited. Let me know if you need any information from the capitol area. I'll do what I can. Our family conflict has not been resolved and doesn't look like it will be anytime soon. We are missing out on the activity in Bosier Parish. I can only hope we will benefit when the second coming of the money is being poured into the area. I believe it is coming and bigger than before. Thanks again. Brenda
At 7:32 on January 2, 2010, Anita Goodson said…

My brother in law sent me a map of the parishes with sections broken down. I think this would be useful. i want to email it to you. What is the address?

Anita Goodson
At 14:43 on December 29, 2009, JHH said…
do you have a caddo parish township link on this website. i'm in Texas and i can't determine a location when people us terms such as T 4 13N 12W as an example. thanks jhh
At 6:32 on December 29, 2009, Michelle Henri said…

I am in need of a landman to perform a current owner search in Natchitoches Parish, LA as soon as possible. Do you know anyone who would want to do this?

I can be reached at 800-687-9030 or Thank you for your site. Michelle Henri
At 16:18 on December 23, 2009, William Gardner said…
your welcome to use that map I put in the Nacogdoches county group. Just let me know so I don't get any surprises.
At 5:32 on December 22, 2009, Stan Grimm said…
Thanks for all your work! Have a wonderful holiday season.


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