Cathaus's Comments

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At 12:35 on July 31, 2008, Coonman said…
has you meeting started?
At 12:35 on July 31, 2008, Coonman said…
has you meeting started?
At 14:46 on July 29, 2008, insomniacnla said…
Thank you very much for your post.
At 10:34 on July 28, 2008, Coonman said…
sent you an e-mail
At 2:17 on July 14, 2008, Cathaus said…
I don't have one on hand. Saturday, my phone started ringing off of the wall. The ones that do have a contract called to let me know of everything that was in the contract. I have a call into Ricky Lennard right now. I want some answers. You heard him as well as I. He explicitly said if we want to walk away at anytime, we could and not pay a penny. He also said there was no claim on the royalty. There are a lot of discrepancies. I for one will not sign with anyone that tells me one thing to my face knowing full well that the contract says the opposite. I haven't gotten this old or ugly for nothing!
At 2:11 on July 14, 2008, Coonman said…
Cathy did you happen to get one of those contracts from that agent? it says 180 days for the contract to be dead... if you refuse to take the offer they nego and say you find a better deal elsewhere you still have to pay them on your other deal... I got one at home
At 10:52 on July 12, 2008, Cathaus said…
We would be pleased to welcome you into our fold! Please feel free to email me at We can either talk that way or in the email I will give you my telephone number. Feel free to contact me. I will tell you everything that I know and maybe even something that I don't know!!!
At 8:40 on July 12, 2008, Cranford7 said…
Hey Cathy- My husband and I are interested in joining your coalition. We did not sign with Twin Cities for the $8750 an acre. We really wanted to get the lease changed and they wouldn't do it. One of our main concerns is we want 25% royalties before expenses. We have a copy of a lease that was negotiated from Arlington, Texas by SEACTX (South East Arlington Community) This is the overview of the deal:
Signing bonus: 26,517 per acre
Royalties:26.5% no expenses
Thank you for heading this up!!!
Please send us info regarding future meetings. We can do this if we all work together!Thanks-Shannon
At 10:40 on July 11, 2008, Cathaus said…
I sent you a reply. Try to attend tonight. It may be another shady Arnie C. deal but it bears listening to for yourself.
At 10:38 on July 11, 2008, Coonman said…
I sent you an email
At 6:01 on July 11, 2008, Cathaus said…
Hey Coonman,
No meetings this weekend that I am aware of. We will be meeting again in about 9 days. I will let you know when the next one is scheduled. We met with an O&G attorney last night. He was very informative and now we know what to expect in our up-coming negotiations. We have all agreed to take it slow and easy. It is a learning process and the more that we learn, the better prepared we will be when it comes time to start earnest negotiations.
At 5:49 on July 11, 2008, Coonman said…
Any meetings in our area this weekend? Blanchard /Mooringsport/Longwood
At 14:09 on July 9, 2008, Cathaus said…
Both you and your Dad are wise not to get involved with this slick fellow! Our meeting is still on tomorrow at 5:30. The address is 5851 Shreveport-Blanchard Hwy. You will be more than welcomed. We look forward to seeing you there.
At 11:11 on July 9, 2008, Philip Bradbury said…
hey, this is Philip. I talked to you on the phone a few days ago. Want to let you know my dad and I went to the place on blanchard-shreveport hwy where Castellano was signing people. It was utter chaos. People shouting and moving all over, trying to sign for their $15,250. We decided not to get involved with that mess, so we'll be coming to the meeting tomorrow. Is it still at 5:30 on the hwy with balloons in front? Thanks.

Philip Bradbury
At 6:14 on July 8, 2008, Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) said…
Hi Cathy, hope you are having a great day. I was wondering if the antique store would like to become a GoHaynesvilleShale sponsor? Thank you.
At 9:58 on July 3, 2008, Cathaus said…
I have very minimal knowledge of collecting 100% royalties. If I am wrong in telling you this I am sure someone will correct me! If you do not sign your mineral rights to a company and are forced pulled, you will be able to supposedly collect 100% of your mineral rights. You will only be paid after the well has been completely paid off. You will be considered a working partner and as such, will have to pay a portion of the operation cost. Some say that as soon as one well is finished the O&G company will start another one, so they can tie your royalty up. You will really never collect 100%. Of course, if the well in your unit is dry, this is all moot.
There are people that can better explain this. I am learning as I go. It is true, you never get too old to learn. Now if you need a recipe for chocolate cookies, I'm your gal!!
At 9:27 on July 3, 2008, Rocker said…
I'd like to know everything about collecting 100% royalties. Can you help?
At 7:44 on July 3, 2008, Cathaus said…
There is a well on Highway 169 but I have no further information on it. There is going to be one on the Bostwick Road, but again, no more information.
At 7:40 on July 3, 2008, mopar said…
do you know if any test wells have been drilled aywhere near you? Perhaps on the Blanchard-Latex road? Please let me know.
At 16:54 on July 1, 2008, Cathaus said…
I have a question that may sound dumb but here goes anyway!
If there are 8 operating wells in my unit will I receive royalities from all of them?

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