Looking for info on where the pipeline is ,and which way it's headed????

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KR, which pipeline? If you are referring to the Centerpoint & Gulf South pipelines, both 42" gas pipelines have been completed between Carthage & Perryviile and are in service. The Tiger Pipeline is an additional 42" planned along the same route.
We live in Fl. and we are waiting on pipeline according to Sonris.How long does it take to hook up too? when will they sell? I don't know if I'm asking the right questions??? A contact there, told us our well came in at 15mcf. We don't know if that is actually factual, cause Chesapeake would give up info. Do u know who I can contact to find if that info is factual?
KR, it is hard to project the time required. If it involves just a short infield gathering line, then it should not take more than a few weeks. If Chesapeake is waiting on a long 3rd party trunkline then it could take several months. It is likely the former rather than the later case and should be on production soon.
It can take several months before data hits SONRIS after the well is turned to sales. Be patient, its coming.
k. r.
They have been clearing a pipeline right-of-way in this area for about the past two weeks. They have it cleared from Bon Chasse Bayou in section 29, NW into section 20. The original survey stakes on the right-of-way showed a 24" line and a 30" line. I don't know where its coming from or going to. Looking at the flagging, it appears to be cutting back west through Dr. Grindel's old place and running parallel to Hwy 3015. There is an existing interstate line that crosses Bon Chasse about 1/2 mile south of where they are now, but I don't know if they'll tie into it. They have a smaller right-of-way prepared from the big one into the pad on section 30. I was told several months ago that they planned to tie the well on section 30 into one of the new big lines after they are installed. I'm not aware of any flow rates being established yet for the well.
Hope this helps some.
Thank you so much for your info. If you hear anything else, please post.You all are the greatest.This website is really the only place for us to see what's going on,We're grateful for your knowledge.
Are the flow rates in yet? Rumor says we're hooked to pipeline,is that true? We are clueless! Sonris hasn't changed always says ,waiting on pipeline. S30-13n-13w (where do you check flow rates on any well?)
Assuming you have interest in the well. Have you tried calling Chesapeake (try a local field office)? Both Encana and Questar have been very forthcoming with us.
They don't answer phones...give out #'s that have fax machines on the other end! Very Frustrating
Havn't dealt with CHK but a lot of the companies seem very aware of the importance of maintaining good relationships with landowners. I'd just keep trying different numbers, eventually you'll get someone who can can help / direct you.
Pipeline is here! CHK said we've been flowing since Oct.16,but they are tight lipped about flow rates. He said looks like 13mcf,asked of royalties,he said look for paperwork after 1st of year.....We'll see (if anyone could confirm any of this that would be great) I'm still looking for a site to visit that displays flow rates on wells) Have a Great day!


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