We're in section 21 township 18 range 11 and have not recieved any offers, has anyone else here heard anything?

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Sorry, I am not trying to be negative. But you gotta look at the big picture and unfortunately through the eyes of the O&G companies.
What coalition ???? You are being negative !!!! We have power with numbers. If they pass us up because we are soooo large than so be it. We are trying to make sure that it is done right. So what if we are large. We are large for a reason.....So we don't make mistakes that we will regret in the future. Don't down us if you don 't know anything about us and what we are doing. We are looking at the big picture. We are looking at the future and our kids.
We are not strung out ... We are trying to be complete and get everyone. If we don't than they can sell their rights for whatever.
We are trying to make sure the elder and the young get the best for our community. What have you done for your community?
Wait!!!! Why are downing us???? Are you one of the landmen for the O&G?
Or are you one that the O&G got the best of and just want to ruin it for everyone esle?
you know i said it before they will lease every inch of bossier parish if there is gas under our feet and how anyone can say binding together is a bad thing has to be nutts. east80oilandgas is there for anyone who wants to be apart of it and make a difference in our community and the people that dont think its for them i wish them the best. eric , robert and the rest of the cordinaters dont have to do what there doing but they are and i thank them. there having a meeting at love chapel on hwy.80 tuesday night at 6:30 anyone that questons this group should attend and i think you will have a change of heart.
WHOA....what are you attacking me for ? I was just simply stating my opinion just like everyone else is. Sorry if you took it the wrong way. And I am NOT
a landman. I grew up in Haughton and have lived her all my life, over 50 years. How long have you lived here ? My family owns 40 acres and no we have not signed a lease yet. I take offense at your nasty remarks. It is strange that so many people are so angry at the O&G companies. Early signers were not forced to sign. They had a choice, sign or not sign. My brother has land in Bossier Parish and signed at year ago at 150.00 an acre.
Not once has he tried to blame it on the O&G company. He actually jokes about it because you have to accept the choices you make it life. We are getting ready to sign our lease in the next few weeks. AND..when we do I realize somewhere down the line someone is going to get more bonus money than we did. That is part of life, making choices and accepting them, good or bad. Oh, and I did go to one of The Group's meetings. I did not hear anything more than I have heard at the other meetings, with the exception fo the emphasis on water problems. I had already added that to my lease. I suggest everyone do their own research on leasing and options they can add. Do not depend on someone else to do it for you.
I have spent hours and hours on the internet doing research.
I do know of 2 other groups or coalitions that have been passed up because the O&G companies said they were too hard to work with and there was too much land involved that was not ajoining. But you seem to have a nice fella leading your group so maybe things will go better for you. I hope so.
And as far as "what have I done for my community" ? I will not boast about what I have done because that is not necessary. That is between me and GOD and I serve HIM first and foremost. I love my community or I would not have stayed here my entire life and my family before me and family before them. Enough said......I wish EVERYONE the best of luck with the Shale , including you Nikko.
Joan I am sorry I got upset. I don't understand why being big is such a bad thing. I am starting to have doubts too. I don't want to, I want to be possitive on this but everyone has their opinion and you don't know which is true and which is not. I have heard soo much.. I have heard that they are not interested in my area and the land men never had any intentions of coming to my area. Then I heard set back and relax it will come to you. I don't anymore but I am sorry for getting upset with you.
I understand your frustration and appreciate your apology.
You have to do what you feel is right for you. I have heard so many different rumors too. I heard from a reliable source that the big O&G companies have pulled out for a while because they have so much money invested in the land they already have leased. Then I recently heard the price they are going to pay when they start up again is going down. I kinda doubt that one but who knows ? It is so confusing. You do not know who to believe. I do know that my cousin's coalition or group in Haughton fell apart because the O&G company just wanted the land down one certain road and not the rest. So the owners down that road pulled out, which was a big part of the group. It is frustrating. I have also heard they do not want to lease the land where I live. AND I do not believe that ALL the land in Bossier Parish will be leased. They only need 80% of a section to drill. Those without leases will have to wait until the O&G company recovers all their expenses BEFORE the unleased get a dime AND you have to trust they are paying you what you are actually due. I do not want a take that chance myself with being left out so I am going to lease soon. Plus I am tired of all the waiting and worrying. I know another group that organized months ago and have still not signed a lease. They keep telling the members they are "working on it".
If you live in a subdivision, owning just a lot, a group is probably a really good idea. But again, everyone has to weigh out the risks.
EVERYONE can make sure the community is protected for the next generation in their own lease. And there is tons of helpful information in the posts on this site !
Exactly how long has East 80 O&G been grouping?
for a couple of months and it is growing fast. theres a meeting tonight and thursday night at love chapel 6:30pm they are currently creating a lease that is suitiable for our community and also trying to contact everyone in our area to let them know they are welcome and wanted in there group. i will know more after tonight but i beleave they may have a date for when they will start taking offers they just dont want anyone to be left out. this is non binding group and if you dont like what is going on at anytime you are free to do your own thing. they do not want your money there is no % of your bonus to pay the only charge will be the attorney fee that will be $15-$50 bucks per member prob. at the signing. that is for the lease to be written and reviewed by an o/g attorney witch is worth way more than that in opinion.
the meeting last night was good and as of now there are over 580 members. also the amount as of now for the attorney fees is $20.00 per member not bad for the kinda bonus that are being paid and this amount will get less with every new member. the date for them to have a lease ready to present is oct. 1 things are looking really good but one thing that needs to be kept in mind is that the signing bonus is a blessing for us all the real issue here is making sure were protected. the bonus money will come and go and so may the royalities after time but the lasting affects will be here for years and all the money in the world isnt worth me leaving my kids with a mess to deal with after my time here is done. i wont to know they are taken care of not burdened. so lets just stick together and not let our selfs or our neigbors get taken advantage of.
WOW....1500 acres and just in 6 sections ? That is a good piece of land to offer up. Is the land all connected ? And do you know why it is taking so long to sign ? Yawl must be the group with the cowboy church :)
It is and it's 3rd of sept, still no ans ,no offer's and all contact have stop. No one is ans.the phone or ans emails. If any O&G landman out there are interested contact the cow boy church group@ 318-949-1539 Most of the land is connected
Why wait? Go in person to Chesapeak aka Twin Cities 401 Edwards Street Suite 1920 Shreveport, La. 318-423-8091
ask for a Land Man. That's all. Good Luck


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