1 dead.
DESOTO PARISH, LA (KSLA) - Breaking news just in to the KSLA News 12 newsroom...

KSLA News 12 just got word that there has been a gas well blow out in Desoto Parish.

The blast happened off George Hunt Road. At this time, there have been reports of injuries and families are being evacuated.

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From shreveporttimes.com

One dead after DeSoto gas well blowout

By Vickie Welborn

GRAND CANE – One person is dead and up to three more people are injured after a natural gas well blowout in the Grand Cane area.

The blowout happened about 10:50 a.m. today. Just before 2 p.m., officials from the state Environmental Quality Department arrived at the site . A Chesapeake Energy spokesperson hasn't arrived to provide details about the incident.

DeSoto Parish sheriff’s deputies evacuated homes on George Hunt Road and at the intersection of George Hunt and state Highway 3015.

Authorities report that at least one “walking wounded” crew member was able to get to the DeSoto EMS ambulance. Three others, with at least one described as seriously injured with a femur fracture, were in the woods behind the well site after the blowout.

Life Air was dispatched, but there's no information about whether the helicopter transported injured workers to a hospital.

The south end of George Hunt Road remains closed to all through traffic.
I agree that it is most likely the Sumner well that blew out. The last report that had them doing flowback was from 9/25. Would that still be happening a month and a half later? Or had they moved on to some other part of testing and prepping for sales flow?
Another possibility is farther southeast off of George Hunt Rd. The Chesapeake CHK LA Minerals 32 H 1 is drilling down there. DNR Serial # 239929, API 170312481800. Based on the SONRIS report, they might have been doing frac operations by now on this well. Like you, Jay, this is a guess from the minimal description in the current news releases.

I hope they have been able to get in and get the other injured people out to care.
Gas well blowout near Grand Cane kills 1

Associated Press - November 18, 2009 4:44 PM ET

GRAND CANE, La. (AP) - The DeSoto Parish Sheriff's Office says one worker was killed and a second seriously injured by a natural gas well blowout.

Sheriff's Lt. Toni Joe Morris says deputies evacuated about two dozen houses within two miles of the Chesapeake Energy well, which blew about 10:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Names of the dead and injured worker are not yet available.

Jean Kelly, a spokeswoman with the Department of Environmental Quality, says Boots & Coots International Well Control, Inc. is assessing damage and expects to begin capping the well on Thursday.

Morris says that because of the escaping gas, rescue workers had to wear protective suits.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
May God Bless those families!

It is well number 239860. They have been preping to tie into the new gas line running down George Hunt Road for about two weeks. The well in section 32 was fraced several weeks ago. They started running a frac water line down George Hunt two days ago to the well by the treatment station - I don't know the serial number of it.
heard that they were getting ready to put the well on line and they did not like something on the christmas treeso they decided to set aplug and work on the tree. thats when the well blew out
UPDATE: More evacuations ordered after deadly well blowout
By Vickie Welborn • vwelborn@gannett.com • November 18, 2009

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Twitter GRAND CANE – More evacuations are being ordered in the area near where a natural gas well blew out this morning, killing one and injuring another. Routine well maintenance was under way when the accident occurred at Chesapeake Energy's Sumner well..

Sheriff Rodney Arbuckle is en route to the command center near the wayward well and will provide an update as soon as more information is available. Arbuckle said initial information indicates the natural gas being released by the well is possibly settling, creating a potential hazardous situation for nearby residents.

Approximately a dozen or so families were told to leave their homes earlier today. An exact number is not immediately available.

The rest is a repeat of earlier articles.
Does natural gas settle?

Methane, CH4, should be half as heavy as air, so it shouldn't settle. I guess the condensates would settle.
Man, I hate to hear news like this. Prayers to all of the families effected.


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